2018-09-17 13:12:56 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<XMLDB PATH= "blocks/gradelevel/db" VERSION= "20180917" COMMENT= "XMLDB file for Moodle blocks/gradelevel"
<TABLE NAME= "block_gradelevel_levelset" COMMENT= "Level set table" >
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" />
<FIELD NAME= "name" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "128" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "Name of this level set" />
<FIELD NAME= "parent_id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "Optional parent for this level set (references another level set)" />
<FIELD NAME= "icon" TYPE= "text" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" />
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" />
<KEY NAME= "parent_id_idx" TYPE= "foreign" FIELDS= "parent_id" REFTABLE= "block_gradelevel_levelset" REFFIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Parent index for nested levelsets" />
<TABLE NAME= "block_gradelevel_levels" COMMENT= "Level references" >
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" />
<FIELD NAME= "levelset_id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "Reference to specific levelset" />
<FIELD NAME= "points" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" DEFAULT= "0" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "Number of points needed to reach this level" />
2018-09-21 22:30:09 +02:00
<FIELD NAME= "badgecolor" TYPE= "char" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "false" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "Color of the level badge. Leave null to use default color (of the levelset 0 set)" />
2018-09-17 13:12:56 +02:00
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" />
<KEY NAME= "levelset_id_idx" TYPE= "foreign" FIELDS= "levelset_id" REFTABLE= "block_gradelevel_levelset" REFFIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Index for levelset reference" />
<TABLE NAME= "block_gradelevel_course_link" COMMENT= "Link courses to level sets" >
<FIELD NAME= "id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "true" />
<FIELD NAME= "course_id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "20" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "Id of the course to link" />
<FIELD NAME= "levelset_id" TYPE= "int" LENGTH= "10" NOTNULL= "true" SEQUENCE= "false" COMMENT= "ID of the levelset a course links to" />
<KEY NAME= "primary" TYPE= "primary" FIELDS= "id" />
<KEY NAME= "course_id_idx" TYPE= "foreign-unique" FIELDS= "course_id" REFTABLE= "mdl_course" REFFIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Course Id index" />
<KEY NAME= "levelset_id_idx" TYPE= "foreign" FIELDS= "levelset_id" REFTABLE= "block_gradelevel_levelset" REFFIELDS= "id" COMMENT= "Levelset id reference" />