2018-09-24 11:05:10 +02:00

238 lines
9.7 KiB

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "code": 150 }]*/
* @preserve Shadow animation 1.11
* Copyright 2011, 2013 Edwin Martin
* Contributors: Mark Carver, Xavier Lepretre and Jason Redding
* Released under the MIT and GPL licenses.
define(['jquery'], function (jQuery) {
return jQuery(function($) {
* Check whether the browser supports RGBA color mode.
* Author Mehdi Kabab <>
* @return {boolean} True if the browser support RGBA. False otherwise.
function isRGBACapable() {
var $script = $('script:first'),
color = $script.css('color'),
result = false;
if (/^rgba/.test(color)) {
result = true;
} else {
try {
result = (color !== $script.css('color', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)').css('color'));
$script.css('color', color);
} catch (e) {
return result;
$.extend(true, $, {
support: {
'rgba': isRGBACapable()
// First define which property to use
var styles = $('html').prop('style');
var boxShadowProperty;
$.each(['boxShadow', 'MozBoxShadow', 'WebkitBoxShadow'], function(i, property) {
var val = styles[property];
if (typeof val !== 'undefined') {
boxShadowProperty = property;
return false;
// Extend the animate-function
if (boxShadowProperty) {
$['Tween']['propHooks']['boxShadow'] = {
get: function(tween) {
return $(tween.elem).css(boxShadowProperty);
set: function(tween) {
var style =;
var p_begin = parseShadows($(tween.elem)[0].style[boxShadowProperty] || $(tween.elem).css(boxShadowProperty));
var p_end = parseShadows(tween.end);
var maxShadowCount = Math.max(p_begin.length, p_end.length);
var i;
for(i = 0; i < maxShadowCount; i++) {
p_end[i] = $.extend({}, p_begin[i], p_end[i]);
if (p_begin[i]) {
if (!('color' in p_begin[i]) || $.isArray(p_begin[i].color) === false) {
p_begin[i].color = p_end[i].color || [0, 0, 0, 0];
} else {
p_begin[i] = parseShadows('0 0 0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0)')[0];
tween['run'] = function(progress) {
var rs = calculateShadows(p_begin, p_end, progress);
style[boxShadowProperty] = rs;
// Calculate an in-between shadow.
function calculateShadows(beginList, endList, pos) {
var shadows = [];
$.each(beginList, function(i) {
var parts = [], begin = beginList[i], end = endList[i];
if (begin.inset) {
if (typeof end.left !== 'undefined') {
parts.push(parseFloat(begin.left + pos * (end.left - begin.left)) + 'px '
+ parseFloat( + pos * ( - + 'px');
if (typeof end.blur !== 'undefined') {
parts.push(parseFloat(begin.blur + pos * (end.blur - begin.blur)) + 'px');
if (typeof end.spread !== 'undefined') {
parts.push(parseFloat(begin.spread + pos * (end.spread - begin.spread)) + 'px');
if (typeof end.color !== 'undefined') {
var color = 'rgb' + ($.support['rgba'] ? 'a' : '') + '('
+ parseInt((begin.color[0] + pos * (end.color[0] - begin.color[0])), 10) + ','
+ parseInt((begin.color[1] + pos * (end.color[1] - begin.color[1])), 10) + ','
+ parseInt((begin.color[2] + pos * (end.color[2] - begin.color[2])), 10);
if ($.support['rgba']) {
color += ',' + parseFloat(begin.color[3] + pos * (end.color[3] - begin.color[3]));
color += ')';
shadows.push(parts.join(' '));
return shadows.join(', ');
// Parse the shadow value and extract the values.
function parseShadows(shadow) {
var parsedShadows = [];
var parsePosition = 0;
var parseLength = shadow.length;
function findInset() {
var m = /^inset\b/.exec(shadow.substring(parsePosition));
if (m !== null && m.length > 0) {
parsedShadow.inset = true;
parsePosition += m[0].length;
return true;
return false;
function findOffsets() {
var m = /^(-?[0-9\.]+)(?:px)?\s+(-?[0-9\.]+)(?:px)?(?:\s+(-?[0-9\.]+)(?:px)?)?(?:\s+(-?[0-9\.]+)(?:px)?)?/.exec(
if (m !== null && m.length > 0) {
parsedShadow.left = parseInt(m[1], 10); = parseInt(m[2], 10);
parsedShadow.blur = (m[3] ? parseInt(m[3], 10) : 0);
parsedShadow.spread = (m[4] ? parseInt(m[4], 10) : 0);
parsePosition += m[0].length;
return true;
return false;
function findColor() {
var m = /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/.exec(shadow.substring(parsePosition));
if (m !== null && m.length > 0) {
parsedShadow.color = [parseInt(m[1], 16), parseInt(m[2], 16), parseInt(m[3], 16), 1];
parsePosition += m[0].length;
return true;
m = /^#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])/.exec(shadow.substring(parsePosition));
if (m !== null && m.length > 0) {
parsedShadow.color = [parseInt(m[1], 16) * 17, parseInt(m[2], 16) * 17, parseInt(m[3], 16) * 17, 1];
parsePosition += m[0].length;
return true;
m = /^rgb\(\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*,\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*,\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*\)/.exec(shadow.substring(parsePosition));
if (m !== null && m.length > 0) {
parsedShadow.color = [parseInt(m[1], 10), parseInt(m[2], 10), parseInt(m[3], 10), 1];
parsePosition += m[0].length;
return true;
m = /^rgba\(\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*,\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*,\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*,\s*([0-9\.]+)\s*\)/.exec(shadow.substring(parsePosition));
if (m !== null && m.length > 0) {
parsedShadow.color = [parseInt(m[1], 10), parseInt(m[2], 10), parseInt(m[3], 10), parseFloat(m[4])];
parsePosition += m[0].length;
return true;
return false;
function findWhiteSpace() {
var m = /^\s+/.exec(shadow.substring(parsePosition));
if (m !== null && m.length > 0) {
parsePosition += m[0].length;
return true;
return false;
function findComma() {
var m = /^\s*,\s*/.exec(shadow.substring(parsePosition));
if (m !== null && m.length > 0) {
parsePosition += m[0].length;
return true;
return false;
function normalizeShadow(shadow) {
if ($.isPlainObject(shadow)) {
var i, sColor, cLength = 0, color = [];
if ($.isArray(shadow.color)) {
sColor = shadow.color;
cLength = sColor.length;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (i < cLength) {
} else if (i === 3) {
} else {
return $.extend({
'left': 0,
'top': 0,
'blur': 0,
'spread': 0
}, shadow);
var parsedShadow = normalizeShadow();
while (parsePosition < parseLength) {
if (findInset()) {
} else if (findOffsets()) {
} else if (findColor()) {
} else if (findComma()) {
parsedShadow = {};
} else {
return parsedShadows;