pmk 9452a578bc Global level config page front-end functional.
Need to add back-end for saving changes and reloading page.
(Got a strange 404 error on using $.post('#'....)
2018-09-19 22:21:39 +02:00

34 lines
1.4 KiB

$string['pluginname'] = 'Grade Levelup';
$string['gradelevel'] = 'GradeLevel';
$string['title'] = 'Progress level';
$string['gradelevel:addinstance'] = 'Add a new Grade Level block';
$string['gradelevel:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new Grade Level block to the My Moodle page';
$string['blockstring'] = 'Text in the block';
$string['levelup_at'] = 'Next level: ';
$string['levelup_done'] = 'Complete';
$string['levelset_name'] = "Skill name";
$string['levelset_icon_cur'] = "Current skill icon (for level badge)";
$string['levelset_icon_new'] = "New skill icon (for level badge)";
$string['cfgpage_generic'] = "Grade Level settings";
$string['cfgpage_globallevels'] = "Default levels";
$string['descconfig'] = "Configuration for Grade Level block";
$string['labeltitle'] = "Title of gradelevel block";
$string['desctitle'] = "The title of the gradelevel block in the courses";
$string['labelshowtitle'] = "Show title bar in block";
$string['descshowtitle'] = "Whether the block should show a title bar or not";
$string['labelnumlevels'] = "Number of deault levels";
$string['descnumlevels'] = "The number of levels that is set by default for all skills";
$string['levelcfg_description'] = "Levels will be sorted based on points. Make sure to set the points incrementally. Leave points empty to remove level";
$string['levelcfg_head_points'] = "Points";
$string['levelcfg_head_color'] = "Medal color";
$string['levelcfg_addlevel'] = "Add level";