pmk fa285134cb Finished level management
On assigning the block to a course, a skill needs to be selected in the config,
instead of creating a new skill by default
2018-09-23 22:06:52 +02:00

51 lines
2.1 KiB

$string['pluginname'] = 'Grade Levelup';
$string['gradelevel'] = 'GradeLevel';
$string['title'] = 'Progress level';
$string['gradelevel:addinstance'] = 'Add a new Grade Level block';
$string['gradelevel:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new Grade Level block to the My Moodle page';
$string['blockstring'] = 'Text in the block';
$string['levelup_at'] = 'Next level: ';
$string['levelup_done'] = 'Complete';
$string['unattached_course'] = 'Please attach this course to a skill in the block settings';
$string['teacher_view_results'] = 'View student results';
$string['edit_pickskill'] = "Attach to skill";
$string['edit_noneskill'] = "None";
$string['cfgpage_generic'] = "Grade Level settings";
$string['cfgpage_globallevels'] = "Default levels";
$string['cfgpage_skilllevels'] = "Edit levels";
$string['cfgpage_skills'] = "Manage skills";
$string['cfgpage_editskill'] = "Edit skill";
$string['descconfig'] = "Configuration for Grade Level block";
$string['labeltitle'] = "Title of gradelevel block";
$string['desctitle'] = "The title of the gradelevel block in the courses";
$string['labelshowtitle'] = "Show title bar in block";
$string['descshowtitle'] = "Whether the block should show a title bar or not";
$string['labelnumlevels'] = "Number of deault levels";
$string['descnumlevels'] = "The number of levels that is set by default for all skills";
$string['levelcfg_description'] = "Levels will be sorted based on points. Make sure to set the points incrementally. Leave points empty to remove level";
$string['levelcfg_head_points'] = "Points";
$string['levelcfg_head_color'] = "Medal color";
$string['levelcfg_addlevel'] = "Add level";
$string['tooltip_editicon'] = "Edit icon";
$string['tooltip_editname'] = "Edit name";
$string['tooltip_deleteskill'] = "Delete skill";
$string['tooltip_deleteskill_disabled'] = "Cannot delete skill, because there are attached courses";
$string['defaults_name'] = "New skill";
$string['cfg_resetlevels'] = "Reset levels to default";
$string['cfg_addskill'] = "Add skill";
$string['title_confirmdelete'] = "Confirm delete";
$string['dialog_confirmdeleteskill'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this skill?";
//$string[''] = "";