2023-05-17 21:19:14 +02:00
/* eslint-disable */
/*eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */
/ * M i q r a E n g i n e e r i n g : ( c ) 2 0 2 0 a d d e d m o d i f i c a t i o n s t o w o r k a s e s 6 m o d u l e a n d p r e s e r v e v u e t a g n a m e s d u r i n g m i n i f i c a t i o n
* /
import './reflect-metadata' ;
import { Vue , Component , Prop } from './vue-property-decorator' ;
2023-08-21 22:04:03 +02:00
/ * M I T L i c e n s e
2023-05-17 21:19:14 +02:00
2023-08-21 22:04:03 +02:00
Copyright ( c ) 2019 Régis Lemaigre
2023-05-17 21:19:14 +02:00
2023-08-21 22:04:03 +02:00
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ) , to deal
in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights
to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell
copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software .
* /
2023-05-17 21:19:14 +02:00
function _ _decorate ( decorators , target , key , desc ) {
var c = arguments . length , r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( target , key ) : desc , d ;
if ( typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect . decorate === "function" ) r = Reflect . decorate ( decorators , target , key , desc ) ;
else for ( var i = decorators . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) if ( d = decorators [ i ] ) r = ( c < 3 ? d ( r ) : c > 3 ? d ( target , key , r ) : d ( target , key ) ) || r ;
return c > 3 && r && Object . defineProperty ( target , key , r ) , r ;
function _ _metadata ( metadataKey , metadataValue ) {
if ( typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect . metadata === "function" ) return Reflect . metadata ( metadataKey , metadataValue ) ;
/ * *
* This is the class of the global object that holds the state of the drag and drop during its progress . It emits events
* reporting its state evolution during the progress of the drag and drop . Its data is reactive and listeners can be
* attachted to it using the method on .
* /
var DnD = function DnD ( ) {
this . inProgress = false ;
this . type = null ;
this . data = null ;
this . source = null ;
this . top = null ;
this . position = null ;
this . eventBus = new Vue ( ) ;
this . sourceListeners = null ;
this . success = null ;
} ;
DnD . prototype . startDrag = function startDrag ( source , event , x , y , type , data ) {
this . type = type ;
this . data = data ;
this . source = source ;
this . position = {
x : x ,
y : y
} ;
this . top = null ;
this . sourceListeners = source . $listeners ;
this . inProgress = true ;
this . emit ( event , "dragstart" ) ;
this . emit ( event , "dragtopchanged" , { previousTop : null } ) ;
} ;
DnD . prototype . stopDrag = function stopDrag ( event ) {
this . success = this . top !== null && this . top [ 'compatibleMode' ] && this . top [ 'dropAllowed' ] ;
if ( this . top !== null ) {
this . emit ( event , "drop" ) ;
this . emit ( event , "dragend" ) ;
this . inProgress = false ;
this . data = null ;
this . source = null ;
this . position = null ;
this . success = null ;
} ;
DnD . prototype . mouseMove = function mouseMove ( event , comp ) {
if ( this . inProgress ) {
var prevent = false ;
var previousTop = this . top ;
if ( comp === null ) {
// The mouse move event reached the top of the document without hitting a drop component.
this . top = null ;
prevent = true ;
else if ( comp [ 'isDropMask' ] ) {
// The mouse move event bubbled until it reached a drop mask.
this . top = null ;
prevent = true ;
else if ( comp [ 'candidate' ] ( this . type , this . data , this . source ) ) {
// The mouse move event bubbled until it reached a drop component that participates in the current drag operation.
this . top = comp ;
prevent = true ;
if ( prevent ) {
// We prevent the mouse move event from bubbling further up the tree because it reached the foremost drop component and that component is all that matters.
event . stopPropagation ( ) ;
if ( this . top !== previousTop ) {
this . emit ( event . detail . native , 'dragtopchanged' , { previousTop : previousTop } ) ;
this . position = {
x : event . detail . x ,
y : event . detail . y
} ;
this . emit ( event . detail . native , 'dragpositionchanged' ) ;
} ;
DnD . prototype . emit = function emit ( native , event , data ) {
this . eventBus . $emit ( event , Object . assign ( { } , { type : this . type ,
data : this . data ,
top : this . top ,
source : this . source ,
position : this . position ,
success : this . success ,
native : native } ,
data ) ) ;
} ;
DnD . prototype . on = function on ( event , callback ) {
this . eventBus . $on ( event , callback ) ;
} ;
DnD . prototype . off = function off ( event , callback ) {
this . eventBus . $off ( event , callback ) ;
} ;
var dnd = new DnD ( ) ;
dnd = Vue . observable ( dnd ) ;
var DragAwareMixin = /*@__PURE__*/ ( function ( Vue ) {
function DragAwareMixin ( ) {
Vue . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
if ( Vue ) DragAwareMixin . _ _proto _ _ = Vue ;
DragAwareMixin . prototype = Object . create ( Vue && Vue . prototype ) ;
DragAwareMixin . prototype . constructor = DragAwareMixin ;
var prototypeAccessors = { dragInProgress : { configurable : true } , dragData : { configurable : true } , dragType : { configurable : true } , dragPosition : { configurable : true } , dragSource : { configurable : true } , dragTop : { configurable : true } } ;
prototypeAccessors . dragInProgress . get = function ( ) {
return dnd . inProgress ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . dragData . get = function ( ) {
return dnd . data ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . dragType . get = function ( ) {
return dnd . type ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . dragPosition . get = function ( ) {
return dnd . position ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . dragSource . get = function ( ) {
return dnd . source ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . dragTop . get = function ( ) {
return dnd . top ;
} ;
Object . defineProperties ( DragAwareMixin . prototype , prototypeAccessors ) ;
return DragAwareMixin ;
} ( Vue ) ) ;
DragAwareMixin = _ _decorate ( [
Component ( { name : "DragAwareMixin" , } )
] , DragAwareMixin ) ;
var DragAwareMixin$1 = DragAwareMixin ;
/ * *
* This files contains the primitives required to create drag images from HTML elements that serve as models . A snapshot
* of the computed styles of the model elements is taken when creating the drag image , so that it will look the same as
* the model , no matter where the drag images is grafted into the DOM .
* /
/ * *
* Creates a drag image using the given element as model .
* /
function createDragImage ( el ) {
var clone = deepClone ( el ) ;
clone . style . position = 'fixed' ;
clone . style . margin = '0' ;
clone . style [ "z-index" ] = '1000' ;
clone . style . transition = 'opacity 0.2s' ;
return clone ;
/ * *
* Clones the given element and all its descendants .
* /
function deepClone ( el ) {
var clone = el . cloneNode ( true ) ;
copyStyle ( el , clone ) ;
var vSrcElements = el . getElementsByTagName ( "*" ) ;
var vDstElements = clone . getElementsByTagName ( "*" ) ;
for ( var i = vSrcElements . length ; i -- ; ) {
var vSrcElement = vSrcElements [ i ] ;
var vDstElement = vDstElements [ i ] ;
copyStyle ( vSrcElement , vDstElement ) ;
return clone ;
/ * *
* Copy the computed styles from src to destination .
* /
function copyStyle ( src , destination ) {
var computedStyle = window . getComputedStyle ( src ) ;
Array . from ( computedStyle ) . forEach ( function ( key ) {
destination . style . setProperty ( key , computedStyle . getPropertyValue ( key ) , computedStyle . getPropertyPriority ( key ) ) ;
} ) ;
destination . style . pointerEvents = 'none' ;
var DragMixin = /*@__PURE__*/ ( function ( DragAwareMixin ) {
function DragMixin ( ) {
DragAwareMixin . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
this . isDrag = true ;
this . mouseIn = null ;
if ( DragAwareMixin ) DragMixin . _ _proto _ _ = DragAwareMixin ;
DragMixin . prototype = Object . create ( DragAwareMixin && DragAwareMixin . prototype ) ;
DragMixin . prototype . constructor = DragMixin ;
var prototypeAccessors = { dragIn : { configurable : true } , cssClasses : { configurable : true } , currentDropMode : { configurable : true } } ;
DragMixin . prototype . created = function created ( ) {
this . reEmit ( "dragstart" ) ;
this . reEmit ( "dragend" ) ;
} ;
DragMixin . prototype . reEmit = function reEmit ( eventName ) {
var this $1 = this ;
dnd . on ( eventName , function ( ev ) {
if ( ev . source === this $1 ) {
this $1 . $emit ( eventName , ev ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
DragMixin . prototype . mounted = function mounted ( ) {
var isNodeList = function ( el ) {
return 'item' in el ;
} ;
var comp = this ;
var el = this . $el ;
var dragStarted = false ;
var initialUserSelect ;
var downEvent = null ;
var startPosition = null ;
if ( this . handle ) {
el = this . $el . querySelectorAll ( this . handle ) ;
if ( isNodeList ( el ) ) {
el . forEach ( function ( element ) {
element . addEventListener ( 'mousedown' , onMouseDown ) ;
element . addEventListener ( 'touchstart' , onMouseDown ) ;
element . addEventListener ( 'mouseenter' , onMouseEnter ) ;
element . addEventListener ( 'mouseleave' , onMouseLeave ) ;
} ) ;
else {
el . addEventListener ( 'mousedown' , onMouseDown ) ;
el . addEventListener ( 'touchstart' , onMouseDown ) ;
el . addEventListener ( 'mouseenter' , onMouseEnter ) ;
el . addEventListener ( 'mouseleave' , onMouseLeave ) ;
function onMouseEnter ( ) {
comp . mouseIn = true ;
function onMouseLeave ( ) {
comp . mouseIn = false ;
function noop ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
function onMouseDown ( e ) {
if ( ! comp . disabled && downEvent === null ) {
initialUserSelect = document . body . style . userSelect ;
document . documentElement . style . userSelect = 'none' ; // Permet au drag de se poursuivre normalement même
// quand on quitte un élémént avec overflow: hidden.
dragStarted = false ;
downEvent = e ;
if ( downEvent . type === 'mousedown' ) {
var mouse = event ;
startPosition = {
x : mouse . clientX ,
y : mouse . clientY
} ;
else {
var touch = event ;
startPosition = {
x : touch . touches [ 0 ] . clientX ,
y : touch . touches [ 0 ] . clientY
} ;
document . addEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onMouseMove ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'touchmove' , onMouseMove , { passive : false } ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'easy-dnd-move' , onEasyDnDMove ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onMouseUp ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'touchend' , onMouseUp ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'selectstart' , noop ) ;
// Prevents event from bubbling to ancestor drag components and initiate several drags at the same time
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
// Prevents touchstart event to be converted to mousedown
function onMouseMove ( e ) {
// We ignore the mousemove event that follows touchend :
if ( downEvent === null )
{ return ; }
// On touch devices, we ignore fake mouse events and deal with touch events only.
if ( downEvent . type === 'touchstart' && e . type === 'mousemove' )
{ return ; }
// Find out event target and pointer position :
var target ;
var x ;
var y ;
if ( e . type === 'touchmove' ) {
var touch = e ;
x = touch . touches [ 0 ] . clientX ;
y = touch . touches [ 0 ] . clientY ;
target = document . elementFromPoint ( x , y ) ;
else {
var mouse = e ;
x = mouse . clientX ;
y = mouse . clientY ;
target = mouse . target ;
// Distance between current event and start position :
var dist = Math . sqrt ( Math . pow ( startPosition . x - x , 2 ) + Math . pow ( startPosition . y - y , 2 ) ) ;
// If the drag has not begun yet and distance from initial point is greater than delta, we start the drag :
if ( ! dragStarted && dist > comp . delta ) {
dragStarted = true ;
dnd . startDrag ( comp , downEvent , startPosition . x , startPosition . y , comp . type , comp . data ) ;
document . documentElement . classList . add ( 'drag-in-progress' ) ;
// Dispatch custom easy-dnd-move event :
if ( dragStarted ) {
var custom = new CustomEvent ( "easy-dnd-move" , {
bubbles : true ,
cancelable : true ,
detail : {
x : x ,
y : y ,
native : e
} ) ;
target . dispatchEvent ( custom ) ;
// Prevent scroll on touch devices :
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
function onEasyDnDMove ( e ) {
dnd . mouseMove ( e , null ) ;
function onMouseUp ( e ) {
// On touch devices, we ignore fake mouse events and deal with touch events only.
if ( downEvent . type === 'touchstart' && e . type === 'mouseup' )
{ return ; }
downEvent = null ;
// This delay makes sure that when the click event that results from the mouseup is produced, the drag is still
// in progress. So by checking the flag dnd.inProgress, one can tell appart true clicks from drag and drop artefacts.
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( dragStarted ) {
document . documentElement . classList . remove ( 'drag-in-progress' ) ;
dnd . stopDrag ( e ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'mousemove' , onMouseMove ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'touchmove' , onMouseMove ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'easy-dnd-move' , onEasyDnDMove ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'mouseup' , onMouseUp ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'touchend' , onMouseUp ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( 'selectstart' , noop ) ;
document . documentElement . style . userSelect = initialUserSelect ;
} , 0 ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . dragIn . get = function ( ) {
return ! this . dragInProgress && this . mouseIn ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . cssClasses . get = function ( ) {
if ( ! this . disabled ) {
return {
'drag-source' : this . dragInProgress && this . dragSource === this ,
'drag-in' : this . dragIn ,
'drag-out' : ! this . dragIn ,
'drag-mode-copy' : this . currentDropMode === 'copy' ,
'drag-mode-cut' : this . currentDropMode === 'cut' ,
'drag-mode-reordering' : this . currentDropMode === 'reordering' ,
} ;
else {
return { } ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . currentDropMode . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . dragInProgress && this . dragSource === this ) {
if ( this . dragTop && this . dragTop [ 'dropAllowed' ] ) {
if ( this . dragTop [ 'reordering' ] )
{ return 'reordering' ; }
{ return this . dragTop [ 'mode' ] ; }
else {
return null ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
DragMixin . prototype . createDragImage = function createDragImage$1 ( selfTransform ) {
var image ;
if ( this . $scopedSlots [ 'drag-image' ] ) {
var el = this . $refs [ 'drag-image' ] ;
if ( el . childElementCount !== 1 ) {
image = createDragImage ( el ) ;
else {
image = createDragImage ( el . children . item ( 0 ) ) ;
else {
image = createDragImage ( this . $el ) ;
image . style . transform = selfTransform ;
image [ '__opacity' ] = this . dragImageOpacity ;
return image ;
} ;
Object . defineProperties ( DragMixin . prototype , prototypeAccessors ) ;
return DragMixin ;
} ( DragAwareMixin$1 ) ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : null , type : null } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , String )
] , DragMixin . prototype , "type" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : null , type : null } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Object )
] , DragMixin . prototype , "data" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : 0.7 , type : Number } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Object )
] , DragMixin . prototype , "dragImageOpacity" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : false , type : Boolean } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Boolean )
] , DragMixin . prototype , "disabled" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : false , type : Boolean } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Boolean )
] , DragMixin . prototype , "goBack" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { required : false , type : String } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , String )
] , DragMixin . prototype , "handle" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { type : Number , default : 3 } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Number )
] , DragMixin . prototype , "delta" , void 0 ) ;
DragMixin = _ _decorate ( [
Component ( { name : "DragMixin" , } )
] , DragMixin ) ;
var DragMixin$1 = DragMixin ;
var Drag = /*@__PURE__*/ ( function ( DragMixin ) {
function Drag ( ) {
DragMixin . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} if ( DragMixin ) Drag . _ _proto _ _ = DragMixin ;
Drag . prototype = Object . create ( DragMixin && DragMixin . prototype ) ;
Drag . prototype . constructor = Drag ;
return Drag ;
} ( DragMixin$1 ) ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : 'div' , type : [ String , Object , Function ] } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Object )
] , Drag . prototype , "tag" , void 0 ) ;
Drag = _ _decorate ( [
Component ( { name : "Drag" , } )
] , Drag ) ;
var script = Drag ;
function normalizeComponent ( template , style , script , scopeId , isFunctionalTemplate , moduleIdentifier
/* server only */
, shadowMode , createInjector , createInjectorSSR , createInjectorShadow ) {
if ( typeof shadowMode !== 'boolean' ) {
createInjectorSSR = createInjector ;
createInjector = shadowMode ;
shadowMode = false ;
} // Vue.extend constructor export interop.
var options = typeof script === 'function' ? script . options : script ; // render functions
if ( template && template . render ) {
options . render = template . render ;
options . staticRenderFns = template . staticRenderFns ;
options . _compiled = true ; // functional template
if ( isFunctionalTemplate ) {
options . functional = true ;
} // scopedId
if ( scopeId ) {
options . _scopeId = scopeId ;
var hook ;
if ( moduleIdentifier ) {
// server build
hook = function hook ( context ) {
// 2.3 injection
context = context || // cached call
this . $vnode && this . $vnode . ssrContext || // stateful
this . parent && this . parent . $vnode && this . parent . $vnode . ssrContext ; // functional
// 2.2 with runInNewContext: true
if ( ! context && typeof _ _VUE _SSR _CONTEXT _ _ !== 'undefined' ) {
context = _ _VUE _SSR _CONTEXT _ _ ;
} // inject component styles
if ( style ) {
style . call ( this , createInjectorSSR ( context ) ) ;
} // register component module identifier for async chunk inference
if ( context && context . _registeredComponents ) {
context . _registeredComponents . add ( moduleIdentifier ) ;
} ; // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate
// never gets called
options . _ssrRegister = hook ;
} else if ( style ) {
hook = shadowMode ? function ( ) {
style . call ( this , createInjectorShadow ( this . $root . $options . shadowRoot ) ) ;
} : function ( context ) {
style . call ( this , createInjector ( context ) ) ;
} ;
if ( hook ) {
if ( options . functional ) {
// register for functional component in vue file
var originalRender = options . render ;
options . render = function renderWithStyleInjection ( h , context ) {
hook . call ( context ) ;
return originalRender ( h , context ) ;
} ;
} else {
// inject component registration as beforeCreate hook
var existing = options . beforeCreate ;
options . beforeCreate = existing ? [ ] . concat ( existing , hook ) : [ hook ] ;
return script ;
var normalizeComponent _1 = normalizeComponent ;
var isOldIE = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /msie [6-9]\\b/ . test ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
function createInjector ( context ) {
return function ( id , style ) {
return addStyle ( id , style ) ;
} ;
var HEAD ;
var styles = { } ;
function addStyle ( id , css ) {
var group = isOldIE ? css . media || 'default' : id ;
var style = styles [ group ] || ( styles [ group ] = {
ids : new Set ( ) ,
styles : [ ]
} ) ;
if ( ! style . ids . has ( id ) ) {
style . ids . add ( id ) ;
var code = css . source ;
if ( css . map ) {
// https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/javascript-debugging
// this makes source maps inside style tags work properly in Chrome
code += '\n/*# sourceURL=' + css . map . sources [ 0 ] + ' */' ; // http://stackoverflow.com/a/26603875
code += '\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,' + btoa ( unescape ( encodeURIComponent ( JSON . stringify ( css . map ) ) ) ) + ' */' ;
if ( ! style . element ) {
style . element = document . createElement ( 'style' ) ;
style . element . type = 'text/css' ;
if ( css . media ) { style . element . setAttribute ( 'media' , css . media ) ; }
if ( HEAD === undefined ) {
HEAD = document . head || document . getElementsByTagName ( 'head' ) [ 0 ] ;
HEAD . appendChild ( style . element ) ;
if ( 'styleSheet' in style . element ) {
style . styles . push ( code ) ;
style . element . styleSheet . cssText = style . styles . filter ( Boolean ) . join ( '\n' ) ;
} else {
var index = style . ids . size - 1 ;
var textNode = document . createTextNode ( code ) ;
var nodes = style . element . childNodes ;
if ( nodes [ index ] ) { style . element . removeChild ( nodes [ index ] ) ; }
if ( nodes . length ) { style . element . insertBefore ( textNode , nodes [ index ] ) ; } else { style . element . appendChild ( textNode ) ; }
var browser = createInjector ;
/* script */
var _ _vue _script _ _ = script ;
/* template */
var _ _vue _render _ _ = function ( ) { var _vm = this ; var _h = _vm . $createElement ; var _c = _vm . _self . _c || _h ; return _c ( _vm . tag , _vm . _g ( _vm . _b ( { tag : "component" , class : _vm . cssClasses , style : ( { cursor : _vm . disabled || _vm . handle ? null : 'grab' } ) , scopedSlots : _vm . _u ( [ _vm . _l ( ( _vm . $scopedSlots ) , function ( _ , slot ) { return { key : slot , fn : function ( scope ) { return [ _vm . _t ( slot , null , null , scope ) ] } } } ) ] , null , true ) } , 'component' , _vm . $attrs , false ) , _vm . $listeners ) , [ _vm . _t ( "default" ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , { ref : "drag-image" , staticClass : "__drag-image" } , [ _vm . _t ( "drag-image" ) ] , 2 ) ] , 2 ) } ;
var _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _ = [ ] ;
/* style */
var _ _vue _inject _styles _ _ = function ( inject ) {
if ( ! inject ) { return }
inject ( "data-v-15f89b5d_0" , { source : ".drop-allowed.drop-in *{cursor:inherit!important}.drop-forbidden.drop-in,.drop-forbidden.drop-in *{cursor:no-drop!important}" , map : undefined , media : undefined } )
, inject ( "data-v-15f89b5d_1" , { source : "html.drag-in-progress *{cursor:grabbing!important}" , map : undefined , media : undefined } )
, inject ( "data-v-15f89b5d_2" , { source : ".__drag-image[data-v-15f89b5d]{position:fixed;top:-10000px;left:-10000px;will-change:left,top}" , map : undefined , media : undefined } ) ;
} ;
/* scoped */
var _ _vue _scope _id _ _ = "data-v-15f89b5d" ;
/* module identifier */
var _ _vue _module _identifier _ _ = undefined ;
/* functional template */
var _ _vue _is _functional _template _ _ = false ;
/* style inject SSR */
var Drag$1 = normalizeComponent _1 (
{ render : _ _vue _render _ _ , staticRenderFns : _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _ } ,
_ _vue _inject _styles _ _ ,
_ _vue _script _ _ ,
_ _vue _scope _id _ _ ,
_ _vue _is _functional _template _ _ ,
_ _vue _module _identifier _ _ ,
browser ,
) ;
var DropMixin = /*@__PURE__*/ ( function ( DragAwareMixin ) {
function DropMixin ( ) {
DragAwareMixin . call ( this ) ;
this . isDrop = true ;
if ( DragAwareMixin ) DropMixin . _ _proto _ _ = DragAwareMixin ;
DropMixin . prototype = Object . create ( DragAwareMixin && DragAwareMixin . prototype ) ;
DropMixin . prototype . constructor = DropMixin ;
var prototypeAccessors = { compatibleMode : { configurable : true } , dropIn : { configurable : true } , typeAllowed : { configurable : true } , dropAllowed : { configurable : true } , cssClasses : { configurable : true } , cssStyle : { configurable : true } } ;
DropMixin . prototype . effectiveAcceptsType = function effectiveAcceptsType ( type ) {
if ( this . acceptsType === null )
{ return true ; }
else if ( typeof ( this . acceptsType ) === 'string' )
{ return this . acceptsType === type ; }
else if ( typeof ( this . acceptsType ) === 'object' && Array . isArray ( this . acceptsType ) ) {
return this . acceptsType . includes ( type ) ;
else {
return this . acceptsType ( type ) ;
} ;
DropMixin . prototype . effectiveAcceptsData = function effectiveAcceptsData ( data , type ) {
return this . acceptsData ( data , type ) ;
} ;
DropMixin . prototype . created = function created ( ) {
dnd . on ( "dragpositionchanged" , this . onDragPositionChanged ) ;
dnd . on ( "dragtopchanged" , this . onDragTopChanged ) ;
dnd . on ( "drop" , this . onDrop ) ;
} ;
DropMixin . prototype . destroyed = function destroyed ( ) {
dnd . off ( "dragpositionchanged" , this . onDragPositionChanged ) ;
dnd . off ( "dragtopchanged" , this . onDragTopChanged ) ;
dnd . off ( "drop" , this . onDrop ) ;
} ;
DropMixin . prototype . onDragPositionChanged = function onDragPositionChanged ( event ) {
if ( this === event . top ) {
this . $emit ( "dragover" , event ) ;
} ;
DropMixin . prototype . onDragTopChanged = function onDragTopChanged ( event ) {
if ( this === event . top ) {
this . $emit ( "dragenter" , event ) ;
if ( this === event . previousTop ) {
this . $emit ( "dragleave" , event ) ;
} ;
DropMixin . prototype . onDrop = function onDrop ( event ) {
if ( this . dropIn && this . compatibleMode && this . dropAllowed ) {
this . doDrop ( event ) ;
} ;
DropMixin . prototype . doDrop = function doDrop ( event ) {
this . $emit ( 'drop' , event ) ;
event . source . $emit ( this . mode , event ) ;
} ;
DropMixin . prototype . mounted = function mounted ( ) {
var el = this . $el ;
var comp = this ;
el . addEventListener ( 'easy-dnd-move' , onMouseMove ) ;
function onMouseMove ( e ) {
dnd . mouseMove ( e , comp ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . compatibleMode . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . dragInProgress ) {
return this . mode === 'copy' || dnd . sourceListeners . hasOwnProperty ( this . mode ) ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . dropIn . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . dragInProgress ) {
return this . dragTop === this ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . typeAllowed . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . dragInProgress ) {
return this . effectiveAcceptsType ( this . dragType ) ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . dropAllowed . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . dragInProgress ) {
if ( this . typeAllowed ) {
return this . compatibleMode && this . effectiveAcceptsData ( this . dragData , this . dragType ) ;
else {
return null ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . cssClasses . get = function ( ) {
var clazz = {
'dnd-drop' : true
} ;
if ( this . dropIn !== null ) {
clazz = Object . assign ( { } , clazz ,
{ "drop-in" : this . dropIn ,
"drop-out" : ! this . dropIn } ) ;
if ( this . typeAllowed !== null ) {
clazz = Object . assign ( { } , clazz ,
{ "type-allowed" : this . typeAllowed ,
"type-forbidden" : ! this . typeAllowed } ) ;
if ( this . dropAllowed !== null ) {
clazz = Object . assign ( { } , clazz ,
{ "drop-allowed" : this . dropAllowed ,
"drop-forbidden" : ! this . dropAllowed } ) ;
return clazz ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . cssStyle . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . dropAllowed && this . dropIn ) {
return { cursor : this . cursor + ' !important' } ;
else {
return { cursor : 'inherit' } ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns true if the current drop area participates in the current drag operation .
* /
DropMixin . prototype . candidate = function candidate ( type , data , source ) {
return this . effectiveAcceptsType ( type ) ;
} ;
DropMixin . prototype . createDragImage = function createDragImage$1 ( ) {
var image ;
if ( this . $refs [ 'drag-image' ] ) {
var el = this . $refs [ 'drag-image' ] ;
if ( el . childElementCount !== 1 ) {
image = createDragImage ( el ) ;
else {
image = createDragImage ( el . children . item ( 0 ) ) ;
image [ '__opacity' ] = this . dragImageOpacity ;
else {
image = 'source' ;
return image ;
} ;
Object . defineProperties ( DropMixin . prototype , prototypeAccessors ) ;
return DropMixin ;
} ( DragAwareMixin$1 ) ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : function ( ) { return function ( ) { return true ; } ; } , type : [ String , Array , Function ] } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Object )
] , DropMixin . prototype , "acceptsType" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : function ( ) { return true ; } , type : Function } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Object )
] , DropMixin . prototype , "acceptsData" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : 'pointer' } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , String )
] , DropMixin . prototype , "cursor" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : 'copy' } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , String )
] , DropMixin . prototype , "mode" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : 0.7 , type : Number } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Object )
] , DropMixin . prototype , "dragImageOpacity" , void 0 ) ;
DropMixin = _ _decorate ( [
Component ( { name : "DropMixin" , } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:paramtypes" , [ ] )
] , DropMixin ) ;
var DropMixin$1 = DropMixin ;
var Drop = /*@__PURE__*/ ( function ( DropMixin ) {
function Drop ( ) {
DropMixin . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
if ( DropMixin ) Drop . _ _proto _ _ = DropMixin ;
Drop . prototype = Object . create ( DropMixin && DropMixin . prototype ) ;
Drop . prototype . constructor = Drop ;
var prototypeAccessors = { showDragImage : { configurable : true } } ;
prototypeAccessors . showDragImage . get = function ( ) {
return this . dragInProgress && this . typeAllowed && this . $scopedSlots [ 'drag-image' ] ;
} ;
Object . defineProperties ( Drop . prototype , prototypeAccessors ) ;
return Drop ;
} ( DropMixin$1 ) ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : 'div' , type : [ String , Object , Function ] } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Object )
] , Drop . prototype , "tag" , void 0 ) ;
Drop = _ _decorate ( [
Component ( { name : "Drop" , } )
] , Drop ) ;
var script$1 = Drop ;
/* script */
var _ _vue _script _ _$1 = script$1 ;
/* template */
var _ _vue _render _ _$1 = function ( ) { var _vm = this ; var _h = _vm . $createElement ; var _c = _vm . _self . _c || _h ; return _c ( _vm . tag , _vm . _g ( _vm . _b ( { tag : "component" , class : _vm . cssClasses , style : ( _vm . cssStyle ) , scopedSlots : _vm . _u ( [ _vm . _l ( ( _vm . $scopedSlots ) , function ( _ , slot ) { return { key : slot , fn : function ( scope ) { return [ _vm . _t ( slot , null , null , scope ) ] } } } ) ] , null , true ) } , 'component' , _vm . $attrs , false ) , _vm . $listeners ) , [ _vm . _t ( "default" ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . showDragImage ) ? _c ( 'div' , { ref : "drag-image" , staticClass : "__drag-image" } , [ _vm . _t ( "drag-image" , null , { "type" : _vm . dragType , "data" : _vm . dragData } ) ] , 2 ) : _vm . _e ( ) ] , 2 ) } ;
var _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _$1 = [ ] ;
/* style */
var _ _vue _inject _styles _ _$1 = function ( inject ) {
if ( ! inject ) { return }
inject ( "data-v-4eedfece_0" , { source : ".drop-allowed.drop-in *{cursor:inherit!important}.drop-forbidden.drop-in,.drop-forbidden.drop-in *{cursor:no-drop!important}" , map : undefined , media : undefined } )
, inject ( "data-v-4eedfece_1" , { source : ".__drag-image[data-v-4eedfece]{position:fixed;top:-10000px;left:-10000px;will-change:left,top}" , map : undefined , media : undefined } ) ;
} ;
/* scoped */
var _ _vue _scope _id _ _$1 = "data-v-4eedfece" ;
/* module identifier */
var _ _vue _module _identifier _ _$1 = undefined ;
/* functional template */
var _ _vue _is _functional _template _ _$1 = false ;
/* style inject SSR */
var Drop$1 = normalizeComponent _1 (
{ render : _ _vue _render _ _$1 , staticRenderFns : _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _$1 } ,
_ _vue _inject _styles _ _$1 ,
_ _vue _script _ _$1 ,
_ _vue _scope _id _ _$1 ,
_ _vue _is _functional _template _ _$1 ,
_ _vue _module _identifier _ _$1 ,
browser ,
) ;
var DropMask = /*@__PURE__*/ ( function ( DragAwareMixin ) {
function DropMask ( ) {
DragAwareMixin . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
this . isDropMask = true ;
if ( DragAwareMixin ) DropMask . _ _proto _ _ = DragAwareMixin ;
DropMask . prototype = Object . create ( DragAwareMixin && DragAwareMixin . prototype ) ;
DropMask . prototype . constructor = DropMask ;
DropMask . prototype . mounted = function mounted ( ) {
var el = this . $el ;
var comp = this ;
el . addEventListener ( 'easy-dnd-move' , onMouseMove ) ;
function onMouseMove ( e ) {
dnd . mouseMove ( e , comp ) ;
} ;
DropMask . prototype . createDragImage = function createDragImage ( ) {
return 'source' ;
} ;
return DropMask ;
} ( DragAwareMixin$1 ) ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : 'div' , type : [ String , Object , Function ] } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Object )
] , DropMask . prototype , "tag" , void 0 ) ;
DropMask = _ _decorate ( [
Component ( { name : "DropMask" , } )
] , DropMask ) ;
var script$2 = DropMask ;
/* script */
var _ _vue _script _ _$2 = script$2 ;
/* template */
var _ _vue _render _ _$2 = function ( ) { var _vm = this ; var _h = _vm . $createElement ; var _c = _vm . _self . _c || _h ; return _c ( _vm . tag , _vm . _g ( _vm . _b ( { tag : "component" , scopedSlots : _vm . _u ( [ _vm . _l ( ( _vm . $scopedSlots ) , function ( _ , slot ) { return { key : slot , fn : function ( scope ) { return [ _vm . _t ( slot , null , null , scope ) ] } } } ) ] , null , true ) } , 'component' , _vm . $attrs , false ) , _vm . $listeners ) , [ _vm . _t ( "default" ) ] , 2 ) } ;
var _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _$2 = [ ] ;
/* style */
var _ _vue _inject _styles _ _$2 = undefined ;
/* scoped */
var _ _vue _scope _id _ _$2 = undefined ;
/* module identifier */
var _ _vue _module _identifier _ _$2 = undefined ;
/* functional template */
var _ _vue _is _functional _template _ _$2 = false ;
/* style inject */
/* style inject SSR */
var DropMask$1 = normalizeComponent _1 (
{ render : _ _vue _render _ _$2 , staticRenderFns : _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _$2 } ,
_ _vue _inject _styles _ _$2 ,
_ _vue _script _ _$2 ,
_ _vue _scope _id _ _$2 ,
_ _vue _is _functional _template _ _$2 ,
_ _vue _module _identifier _ _$2 ,
undefined ,
) ;
/ * *
* This class reacts to drag events emitted by the dnd object to manage a sequence of drag images and fade from one to the
* other as the drag progresses .
* /
var DragImagesManager = /*@__PURE__*/ ( function ( Vue ) {
function DragImagesManager ( ) {
Vue . call ( this ) ;
this . selfTransform = null ;
this . clones = null ;
this . source = null ;
this . sourcePos = null ;
this . sourceClone = null ;
dnd . on ( 'dragstart' , this . onDragStart ) ;
dnd . on ( 'dragtopchanged' , this . onDragTopChanged ) ;
dnd . on ( 'dragpositionchanged' , this . onDragPositionChanged ) ;
dnd . on ( 'dragend' , this . onDragEnd ) ;
if ( Vue ) DragImagesManager . _ _proto _ _ = Vue ;
DragImagesManager . prototype = Object . create ( Vue && Vue . prototype ) ;
DragImagesManager . prototype . constructor = DragImagesManager ;
DragImagesManager . prototype . onDragStart = function onDragStart ( event ) {
this . sourcePos = {
x : event . source . $el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . left ,
y : event . source . $el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . top
} ;
this . selfTransform = "translate(-" + ( event . position . x - this . sourcePos . x ) + "px, -" + ( event . position . y - this . sourcePos . y ) + "px)" ;
this . clones = new Map ( ) ;
this . source = event . source ;
} ;
DragImagesManager . prototype . onDragEnd = function onDragEnd ( event ) {
var this $1 = this ;
Vue . nextTick ( function ( ) {
if ( ! event . success && this $1 . source [ 'goBack' ] ) {
// Restore the drag image that is active when hovering outside any drop zone :
var img = this $1 . switch ( null ) ;
// Move it back to its original place :
window . requestAnimationFrame ( function ( ) {
img . style . transition = "all 0.5s" ;
window . requestAnimationFrame ( function ( ) {
img . style . left = this $1 . sourcePos . x + "px" ;
img . style . top = this $1 . sourcePos . y + "px" ;
img . style . transform = "translate(0,0)" ;
var handler = function ( ) {
this $1 . cleanUp ( ) ;
img . removeEventListener ( "transitionend" , handler ) ;
} ;
img . addEventListener ( "transitionend" , handler ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
else {
this $1 . cleanUp ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
DragImagesManager . prototype . cleanUp = function cleanUp ( ) {
this . clones . forEach ( function ( clone ) {
clone . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . sourceClone !== null ) {
this . sourceClone . remove ( ) ;
this . selfTransform = null ;
this . clones = null ;
this . source = null ;
this . sourceClone = null ;
this . sourcePos = null ;
} ;
DragImagesManager . prototype . onDragTopChanged = function onDragTopChanged ( event ) {
this . switch ( event . top ) ;
} ;
DragImagesManager . prototype . switch = function switch $1 ( top ) {
this . clones . forEach ( function ( clone ) {
clone . style . opacity = "0" ;
} ) ;
if ( this . sourceClone ) {
this . sourceClone . style . opacity = "0" ;
var activeClone ;
if ( top === null ) {
activeClone = this . getSourceClone ( ) ;
else {
if ( ! this . clones . has ( top ) ) {
var clone = top [ 'createDragImage' ] ( this . selfTransform ) ;
if ( clone === 'source' ) {
clone = this . getSourceClone ( ) ;
else if ( clone !== null ) {
clone . style . opacity = '0' ;
document . body . append ( clone ) ;
this . clones . set ( top , clone ) ;
activeClone = this . clones . get ( top ) ;
if ( activeClone !== null ) {
activeClone . offsetWidth ; // Forces broswer reflow
activeClone . style . opacity = activeClone [ '__opacity' ] ;
activeClone . style . visibility = 'visible' ;
return activeClone ;
} ;
DragImagesManager . prototype . getSourceClone = function getSourceClone ( ) {
if ( this . sourceClone === null ) {
this . sourceClone = this . source [ 'createDragImage' ] ( this . selfTransform ) ;
this . sourceClone . style . opacity = '0' ;
document . body . append ( this . sourceClone ) ;
return this . sourceClone ;
} ;
DragImagesManager . prototype . onDragPositionChanged = function onDragPositionChanged ( event ) {
this . clones . forEach ( function ( clone ) {
clone . style . left = dnd . position . x + "px" ;
clone . style . top = dnd . position . y + "px" ;
} ) ;
if ( this . sourceClone ) {
this . sourceClone . style . left = dnd . position . x + "px" ;
this . sourceClone . style . top = dnd . position . y + "px" ;
} ;
return DragImagesManager ;
} ( Vue ) ) ;
DragImagesManager = _ _decorate ( [
Component ( { name : "DragImagesManager" , } ) // Necessary to set proper "this" context in event listeners.
_ _metadata ( "design:paramtypes" , [ ] )
] , DragImagesManager ) ;
new DragImagesManager ( ) ;
var DragFeedback = /*@__PURE__*/ ( function ( Vue ) {
function DragFeedback ( ) {
Vue . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} if ( Vue ) DragFeedback . _ _proto _ _ = Vue ;
DragFeedback . prototype = Object . create ( Vue && Vue . prototype ) ;
DragFeedback . prototype . constructor = DragFeedback ;
return DragFeedback ;
} ( Vue ) ) ;
DragFeedback = _ _decorate ( [
Component ( { name : "DragFeedback" , } )
] , DragFeedback ) ;
var script$3 = DragFeedback ;
/* script */
var _ _vue _script _ _$3 = script$3 ;
/* template */
var _ _vue _render _ _$3 = function ( ) { var _vm = this ; var _h = _vm . $createElement ; var _c = _vm . _self . _c || _h ; return _c ( 'div' , { staticClass : "DragFeedback" } , [ _vm . _t ( "default" ) ] , 2 ) } ;
var _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _$3 = [ ] ;
/* style */
var _ _vue _inject _styles _ _$3 = undefined ;
/* scoped */
var _ _vue _scope _id _ _$3 = "data-v-0589f3cb" ;
/* module identifier */
var _ _vue _module _identifier _ _$3 = undefined ;
/* functional template */
var _ _vue _is _functional _template _ _$3 = false ;
/* style inject */
/* style inject SSR */
var DragFeedback$1 = normalizeComponent _1 (
{ render : _ _vue _render _ _$3 , staticRenderFns : _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _$3 } ,
_ _vue _inject _styles _ _$3 ,
_ _vue _script _ _$3 ,
_ _vue _scope _id _ _$3 ,
_ _vue _is _functional _template _ _$3 ,
_ _vue _module _identifier _ _$3 ,
undefined ,
) ;
var Grid = function Grid ( collection , upToIndex , row , fromIndex ) {
this . magnets = [ ] ;
var index = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 , list = collection ; i < list . length ; i += 1 ) {
var child = list [ i ] ;
if ( index > upToIndex )
{ break ; }
var rect = child . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
var hasNestedDrop = child . classList . contains ( "dnd-drop" ) || child . getElementsByClassName ( "dnd-drop" ) . length > 0 ;
var horizontal = null ;
if ( hasNestedDrop ) {
if ( row === 'auto' ) {
// Auto mode not supported for now. Row or column must be defined explicitly if there are nested drop lists.
throw new Error ( "Easy-DnD error : a drop list is missing one of these attributes : 'row' or 'column'." ) ;
else {
horizontal = row === 'row' ;
if ( fromIndex === null ) {
// Inserting mode.
this . magnets . push ( hasNestedDrop ? this . before ( rect , horizontal ) : this . center ( rect ) ) ;
else {
// Reordering mode.
this . magnets . push ( hasNestedDrop ? ( fromIndex < index ? this . after : this . before ) ( rect , horizontal ) : this . center ( rect ) ) ;
// Debug : show magnets :
//document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<div style='background-color: red; position: fixed; width: 1px; height: 1px; top:" + this.magnets[index].y + "px; left:" + this.magnets[index].x + "px;' ></div>")
index ++ ;
} ;
/ * *
* Returns the center of the rectangle .
* /
Grid . prototype . center = function center ( rect ) {
return {
x : rect . left + rect . width / 2 ,
y : rect . top + rect . height / 2
} ;
} ;
/ * *
* When horizontal is true / false , returns middle of the left / top side of the rectangle .
* /
Grid . prototype . before = function before ( rect , horizontal ) {
return horizontal ? {
x : rect . left ,
y : rect . top + rect . height / 2
} : {
x : rect . left + rect . width / 2 ,
y : rect . top
} ;
} ;
/ * *
* When horizontal is true / false , returns middle of the right / bottom side of the rectangle .
* /
Grid . prototype . after = function after ( rect , horizontal ) {
return horizontal ? {
x : rect . left + rect . width ,
y : rect . top + rect . height / 2
} : {
x : rect . left + rect . width / 2 ,
y : rect . top + rect . height
} ;
} ;
Grid . prototype . closestIndex = function closestIndex ( position ) {
var minDist = 999999 ;
var index = - 1 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . magnets . length ; i ++ ) {
var magnet = this . magnets [ i ] ;
var dist = Math . sqrt ( Math . pow ( magnet . x - position . x , 2 ) + Math . pow ( magnet . y - position . y , 2 ) ) ;
if ( dist < minDist ) {
minDist = dist ;
index = i ;
return index ;
} ;
var DnDEvent = function DnDEvent ( ) { } ;
var ReorderEvent = function ReorderEvent ( from , to ) {
this . from = from ;
this . to = to ;
} ;
ReorderEvent . prototype . apply = function apply ( array ) {
var tmp = array [ this . from ] ;
array . splice ( this . from , 1 ) ;
array . splice ( this . to , 0 , tmp ) ;
} ;
var InsertEvent = function InsertEvent ( type , data , index ) {
this . type = type ;
this . data = data ;
this . index = index ;
} ;
var DropList = /*@__PURE__*/ ( function ( DropMixin ) {
function DropList ( ) {
DropMixin . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
this . grid = null ;
this . forbiddenKeys = [ ] ;
this . feedbackKey = null ;
this . fromIndex = null ;
if ( DropMixin ) DropList . _ _proto _ _ = DropMixin ;
DropList . prototype = Object . create ( DropMixin && DropMixin . prototype ) ;
DropList . prototype . constructor = DropList ;
var prototypeAccessors = { rootTag : { configurable : true } , rootProps : { configurable : true } , rootListeners : { configurable : true } , direction : { configurable : true } , reordering : { configurable : true } , closestIndex : { configurable : true } , dropAllowed : { configurable : true } , itemsBeforeFeedback : { configurable : true } , itemsAfterFeedback : { configurable : true } , itemsBeforeReorderingFeedback : { configurable : true } , itemsAfterReorderingFeedback : { configurable : true } , reorderedItems : { configurable : true } , clazz : { configurable : true } , style : { configurable : true } , showDragFeedback : { configurable : true } , showInsertingDragImage : { configurable : true } , showReorderingDragImage : { configurable : true } , hasReorderingFeedback : { configurable : true } } ;
prototypeAccessors . rootTag . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . noAnimations ) {
return this . tag ? this . tag : 'div' ;
else {
return "transition-group" ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . rootProps . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . noAnimations ) {
return this . $attrs ;
else {
return {
tag : this . tag ,
duration : { enter : 0 , leave : 0 } ,
css : false
} ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . rootListeners . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . noAnimations ) {
return this . $listeners ;
else {
return { } ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . created = function created ( ) {
dnd . on ( "dragstart" , this . onDragStart ) ;
dnd . on ( "dragend" , this . onDragEnd ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . direction . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . row )
{ return 'row' ; }
if ( this . column )
{ return 'column' ; }
return 'auto' ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . destroyed = function destroyed ( ) {
dnd . off ( "dragstart" , this . onDragStart ) ;
dnd . off ( "dragend" , this . onDragEnd ) ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . onDragStart = function onDragStart ( event ) {
var this $1 = this ;
if ( this . candidate ( dnd . type , dnd . data , dnd . source ) ) {
if ( this . reordering ) {
this . fromIndex = Array . prototype . indexOf . call ( event . source . $el . parentElement . children , event . source . $el ) ;
this . grid = this . computeReorderingGrid ( ) ;
else {
this . $nextTick ( function ( ) {
// Presence of feedback node in the DOM and of keys in the virtual DOM required => delayed until what
// depends on drag data has been processed.
this $1 . grid = this $1 . computeInsertingGrid ( ) ;
this $1 . feedbackKey = this $1 . computeFeedbackKey ( ) ;
this $1 . forbiddenKeys = this $1 . computeForbiddenKeys ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . onDragEnd = function onDragEnd ( ) {
this . fromIndex = null ;
this . feedbackKey = null ;
this . forbiddenKeys = null ;
this . grid = null ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . reordering . get = function ( ) {
if ( dnd . inProgress ) {
return dnd . source . $el . parentElement === this . $el && this . $listeners . hasOwnProperty ( 'reorder' ) ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . closestIndex . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . grid ) {
return this . grid . closestIndex ( dnd . position ) ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . dropAllowed . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . dragInProgress ) {
if ( this . reordering ) {
return this . items . length > 1 ;
else {
var superDropAllowed = DropMixin [ 'options' ] . computed . dropAllowed . get . call ( this ) ;
if ( ! superDropAllowed ) {
return false ;
else {
if ( this . forbiddenKeys !== null && this . feedbackKey !== null ) {
return ! this . forbiddenKeys . includes ( this . feedbackKey ) ;
else {
return null ;
else {
return null ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . itemsBeforeFeedback . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . closestIndex === 0 ) {
return [ ] ;
else {
return this . items . slice ( 0 , this . closestIndex ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . itemsAfterFeedback . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . closestIndex === this . items . length ) {
return [ ] ;
else {
return this . items . slice ( this . closestIndex ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . itemsBeforeReorderingFeedback . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . closestIndex <= this . fromIndex ) {
return this . items . slice ( 0 , this . closestIndex ) ;
else {
return this . items . slice ( 0 , this . closestIndex + 1 ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . itemsAfterReorderingFeedback . get = function ( ) {
if ( this . closestIndex <= this . fromIndex ) {
return this . items . slice ( this . closestIndex ) ;
else {
return this . items . slice ( this . closestIndex + 1 ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . reorderedItems . get = function ( ) {
var toIndex = this . closestIndex ;
var reordered = [ ] . concat ( this . items ) ;
var temp = reordered [ this . fromIndex ] ;
reordered . splice ( this . fromIndex , 1 ) ;
reordered . splice ( toIndex , 0 , temp ) ;
return reordered ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . clazz . get = function ( ) {
return Object . assign ( { } , { 'drop-list' : true ,
'reordering' : this . reordering === true ,
'inserting' : this . reordering === false } ,
( this . reordering === false ? this . cssClasses : { 'dnd-drop' : true } ) ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . style . get = function ( ) {
return Object . assign ( { } , ( this . reordering === false ? this . cssStyle : { } ) ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . showDragFeedback . get = function ( ) {
return this . dragInProgress && this . typeAllowed && ! this . reordering ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . showInsertingDragImage . get = function ( ) {
return this . dragInProgress && this . typeAllowed && ! this . reordering && this . $scopedSlots . hasOwnProperty ( "drag-image" ) ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . showReorderingDragImage . get = function ( ) {
return this . dragInProgress && this . reordering && this . $scopedSlots . hasOwnProperty ( "reordering-drag-image" ) ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . doDrop = function doDrop ( event ) {
if ( this . reordering ) {
if ( this . fromIndex !== this . closestIndex ) {
this . $emit ( 'reorder' , new ReorderEvent ( this . fromIndex , this . closestIndex ) ) ;
else {
DropMixin [ 'options' ] . methods . doDrop . call ( this , event ) ;
this . $emit ( 'insert' , new InsertEvent ( event . type , event . data , this . closestIndex ) ) ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . candidate = function candidate ( type , data , source ) {
var i = arguments . length , argsArray = Array ( i ) ;
while ( i -- ) argsArray [ i ] = arguments [ i ] ;
var ref ;
var superCandidate = ( ref = DropMixin [ 'options' ] . methods . candidate ) . call . apply ( ref , [ this ] . concat ( argsArray ) ) ;
return ( superCandidate && ( this . $listeners . hasOwnProperty ( "insert" ) || this . $listeners . hasOwnProperty ( "drop" ) ) ) || this . reordering ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . computeForbiddenKeys = function computeForbiddenKeys ( ) {
var vnodes = this . noAnimations ? [ ] : this . $children [ 0 ] . $vnode . context . $children [ 0 ] . $slots . default ;
return vnodes
. map ( function ( vn ) { return vn . key ; } )
. filter ( function ( k ) { return k !== undefined && k !== 'drag-image' && k !== 'drag-feedback' ; } ) ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . computeFeedbackKey = function computeFeedbackKey ( ) {
return this . $refs [ 'feedback' ] [ '$slots' ] [ 'default' ] [ 0 ] [ 'key' ] ;
} ;
prototypeAccessors . hasReorderingFeedback . get = function ( ) {
return this . $scopedSlots . hasOwnProperty ( "reordering-feedback" ) ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . computeInsertingGrid = function computeInsertingGrid ( ) {
var feedbackParent = this . $refs [ 'feedback' ] [ '$el' ] ;
if ( feedbackParent . children . length == 0 ) {
console . warn ( "Feedback template has no children" , $feedbackParent , this ) ;
var feedback = feedbackParent . children [ 0 ] ;
var clone = feedback . cloneNode ( true ) ;
var tg = this . $el ;
if ( tg . children . length > this . items . length ) {
tg . insertBefore ( clone , tg . children [ this . items . length ] ) ;
else {
tg . append ( clone ) ;
var grid = new Grid ( tg . children , this . items . length , this . direction , null ) ;
clone . remove ( ) ;
return grid ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . computeReorderingGrid = function computeReorderingGrid ( ) {
var tg = this . $el ;
return new Grid ( tg . children , this . items . length - 1 , this . direction , this . fromIndex ) ;
} ;
DropList . prototype . createDragImage = function createDragImage$1 ( ) {
var image ;
if ( this . $refs [ 'drag-image' ] ) {
var el = this . $refs [ 'drag-image' ] ;
var model ;
if ( el . childElementCount !== 1 ) {
model = el ;
else {
model = el . children . item ( 0 ) ;
var clone = model . cloneNode ( true ) ;
var tg = this . $el ;
tg . append ( clone ) ;
image = createDragImage ( clone ) ;
clone . remove ( ) ;
image [ '__opacity' ] = this . dragImageOpacity ;
else {
image = 'source' ;
return image ;
} ;
Object . defineProperties ( DropList . prototype , prototypeAccessors ) ;
return DropList ;
} ( DropMixin$1 ) ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : 'div' , type : [ String , Object , Function ] } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Object )
] , DropList . prototype , "tag" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Array )
] , DropList . prototype , "items" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : null } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Boolean )
] , DropList . prototype , "row" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : null , type : Boolean } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Boolean )
] , DropList . prototype , "column" , void 0 ) ;
_ _decorate ( [
Prop ( { default : false , type : Boolean } ) ,
_ _metadata ( "design:type" , Boolean )
] , DropList . prototype , "noAnimations" , void 0 ) ;
DropList = _ _decorate ( [
Component ( {
components : { DragFeedback : DragFeedback$1 } ,
name : "DropList" ,
} )
] , DropList ) ;
var script$4 = DropList ;
/* script */
var _ _vue _script _ _$4 = script$4 ;
/* template */
var _ _vue _render _ _$4 = function ( ) { var _vm = this ; var _h = _vm . $createElement ; var _c = _vm . _self . _c || _h ; return _c ( _vm . rootTag , _vm . _g ( _vm . _b ( { tag : "component" , class : _vm . clazz , style : ( _vm . style ) } , 'component' , _vm . rootProps , false ) , _vm . rootListeners ) , [ ( _vm . dropIn && _vm . dropAllowed ) ? [ ( _vm . reordering ) ? [ ( _vm . hasReorderingFeedback ) ? [ _vm . _l ( ( _vm . itemsBeforeReorderingFeedback ) , function ( item ) { return _vm . _t ( "item" , null , { "item" : item } ) } ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _vm . _t ( "reordering-feedback" , null , { "item" : _vm . items [ _vm . fromIndex ] } ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _vm . _l ( ( _vm . itemsAfterReorderingFeedback ) , function ( item ) { return _vm . _t ( "item" , null , { "item" : item } ) } ) ] : [ _vm . _l ( ( _vm . reorderedItems ) , function ( item , index ) { return _vm . _t ( "item" , null , { "item" : item , "reorder" : index === _vm . closestIndex } ) } ) ] ] : [ _vm . _l ( ( _vm . itemsBeforeFeedback ) , function ( item ) { return _vm . _t ( "item" , null , { "item" : item , "reorder" : false } ) } ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _vm . _t ( "feedback" , null , { "data" : _vm . dragData , "type" : _vm . dragType } ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _vm . _l ( ( _vm . itemsAfterFeedback ) , function ( item ) { return _vm . _t ( "item" , null , { "item" : item , "reorder" : false } ) } ) ] ] : [ _vm . _l ( ( _vm . items ) , function ( item ) { return _vm . _t ( "item" , null , { "item" : item , "reorder" : false } ) } ) ] , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . showDragFeedback ) ? _c ( 'drag-feedback' , { key : "drag-feedback" , ref : "feedback" , staticClass : "__feedback" } , [ _vm . _t ( "feedback" , null , { "data" : _vm . dragData , "type" : _vm . dragType } ) ] , 2 ) : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . showInsertingDragImage ) ? _c ( 'div' , { key : "inserting-drag-image" , ref : "drag-image" , staticClass : "__drag-image" } , [ _vm . _t ( "drag-image" , null , { "type" : _vm . dragType , "data" : _vm . dragData } ) ] , 2 ) : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , ( _vm . showReorderingDragImage ) ? _c ( 'div' , { key : "reordering-drag-image" , ref : "drag-image" , staticClass : "__drag-image" } , [ _vm . _t ( "reordering-drag-image" , null , { "item" : _vm . items [ _vm . fromIndex ] } ) ] , 2 ) : _vm . _e ( ) , _vm . _v ( " " ) , _c ( 'div' , { key : "drop-list-content" } , [ _vm . _t ( "default" ) ] , 2 ) ] , 2 ) } ;
var _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _$4 = [ ] ;
/* style */
var _ _vue _inject _styles _ _$4 = function ( inject ) {
if ( ! inject ) { return }
inject ( "data-v-56f28757_0" , { source : ".drop-list[data-v-56f28757]>*{transition:transform .2s}.__feedback[data-v-56f28757]{display:none}.__drag-image[data-v-56f28757]{position:fixed;top:-10000px;left:-10000px;will-change:left,top}" , map : undefined , media : undefined } )
, inject ( "data-v-56f28757_1" , { source : ".drop-allowed.drop-in *{cursor:inherit!important}.drop-forbidden.drop-in,.drop-forbidden.drop-in *{cursor:no-drop!important}" , map : undefined , media : undefined } ) ;
} ;
/* scoped */
var _ _vue _scope _id _ _$4 = "data-v-56f28757" ;
/* module identifier */
var _ _vue _module _identifier _ _$4 = undefined ;
/* functional template */
var _ _vue _is _functional _template _ _$4 = false ;
/* style inject SSR */
var DropList$1 = normalizeComponent _1 (
{ render : _ _vue _render _ _$4 , staticRenderFns : _ _vue _staticRenderFns _ _$4 } ,
_ _vue _inject _styles _ _$4 ,
_ _vue _script _ _$4 ,
_ _vue _scope _id _ _$4 ,
_ _vue _is _functional _template _ _$4 ,
_ _vue _module _identifier _ _$4 ,
browser ,
) ;
// minor modifications to handle minification in moodle - the reflected property name does not survive minification. Do not want all our components to be known as 'b'
export { DnDEvent , Drag$1 as Drag , DragAwareMixin$1 as DragAwareMixin , DragImagesManager , DragMixin$1 as DragMixin , Drop$1 as Drop , DropList$1 as DropList , DropMask$1 as DropMask , DropMixin$1 as DropMixin , InsertEvent , ReorderEvent , createDragImage , dnd } ;