/*eslint no-var: "error" */ /*eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */ /*eslint linebreak-style: "off" */ /*eslint no-trailing-spaces: "off" */ /*eslint-env es6*/ // Put this file in path/to/plugin/amd/src // You can call it anything you like import {get_string,get_strings} from 'core/str'; import {call} from 'core/ajax'; import notification from 'core/notification'; import {resetAllFormDirtyStates} from 'core_form/changechecker'; import Vue from './vue/vue'; import EditorComponents from './studyplan-editor-components'; Vue.use(EditorComponents); import TSComponents from './treestudyplan-components'; Vue.use(TSComponents); import ModalComponents from './modedit-modal'; Vue.use(ModalComponents); import Debugger from './util/debugger'; import {load_strings} from './util/string-helper'; import {ProcessStudyplan} from './studyplan-processor'; import {download,upload} from './downloader'; import {studyplanTiming} from './util/date-helper'; import PortalVue from './portal-vue/portal-vue.esm'; Vue.use(PortalVue); import BootstrapVue from './bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue'; Vue.use(BootstrapVue); const debug = new Debugger("treestudyplan"); let strings = load_strings({ studyplan: { studyplan_select_placeholder: 'studyplan_select_placeholder', }, }); /** * Initialize the Page * @param {int} contextid The context we should attempt to work in (1:1 related to the category) * @param {int} categoryid The category we shoud attempt to work in (1:1 related to the context) * @param {object} options Options to be passed to this script */ export function init(contextid,categoryid,options) { // Make sure the id's are numeric and integer if(undefined === contextid || !Number.isInteger(Number(contextid)) || contextid < 1 ){ contextid = 1;} else { contextid = Number(contextid);} // ensure a numeric value instead of string if(undefined === categoryid || !Number.isInteger(Number(categoryid))){ categoryid = 0;} else { categoryid = Number(categoryid);} // ensure a numeric value instead of string debug.info("options",options); if ( options !== null && typeof options === 'object' && !Array.isArray(options) ) { if ( !options.defaultAggregation ) { options.defaultAggregation = "core"; } } else { options = { defaultAggregation: "core"}; } // Setup the initial Vue app for this page let app = new Vue({ el: '#root', data: { create: { studyplan: { name: '', shortname: '', description: '', idnumber: '', slots : 4, startdate: '2020-08-01', enddate: '', context: contextid, aggregation: options.defaultAggregation, aggregation_config: '', } }, activestudyplan: null, activepage: null, loadingstudyplan: false, studyplans: [], text: strings.studyplan, usedcontexts: [], }, created() { this.$root.$on('studyplanRemoved',(studyplan)=>{ if(app.activestudyplan == studyplan){ app.activestudyplan = null; } // remove studyplan from index list let index = null; for(let idx in app.studyplans){ if(app.studyplans[idx].id == studyplan.id){ index = idx; break; } } if(index){ app.studyplans.splice(index, 1); } }); }, mounted() { this.initialize(); }, computed: { dropdown_title(){ if(this.activestudyplan && this.activestudyplan.name){ return this.activestudyplan.name; } else{ return this.text.studyplan_select_placeholder; } }, contextid(){ return contextid; }, }, methods: { initialize() { call([{ methodname: 'local_treestudyplan_list_studyplans', args: { context_id: contextid} }])[0].then(function(response){ const timingval = { future: 0, present: 1, past: 2, }; response.sort((a,b) => { const timinga = studyplanTiming(a); const timingb = studyplanTiming(b); let t = timingval[timinga] - timingval[timingb]; if(t == 0){ // sort by start date if timing is equal t = new Date(b.startdate).getTime() - new Date(a.startdate).getTime(); if (t == 0) { // sort by name if timing is equal t = a.name.localeCompare(b.name); } } return t; }); app.studyplans = response; // load studyplan from hash if applicable const hash = location.hash.replace('#',''); if(hash){ const id = hash; app.selectStudyplan(id); } }).catch(notification.exception); call([{ methodname: 'local_treestudyplan_list_available_categories', args: { operation: 'edit', refcontext_id: contextid} }])[0].then(function(response){ app.usedcontexts = response; }).catch(notification.exception); }, closeStudyplan() { app.activestudyplan = null; window.location.hash = ''; }, movedStudyplan(plan,from,to) { // reload the page in the new context (needed, since a number of links are not reactive in the page) const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search); params.delete('categoryid'); params.set("contextid", to); setTimeout(() => { // Reload page in a timeout to give other form javasccript the change to remove the beforeunload handler. window.location.search = params.toString(); },50); }, onStudyPlanCreated(newstudyplan){ if (newstudyplan.context_id != contextid) { // Study plan has changed context id - reload page into new context id and show the plan const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search); params.delete('categoryid'); params.set("contextid", newstudyplan.context_id); // Make sure the form is no longer dirty before reloading the page - avoid beforeunload handler triggering. resetAllFormDirtyStates(); window.location = window.location.pathname + "?" + params.toString() + "#" + newstudyplan.id; } else { app.studyplans.push(newstudyplan); app.selectStudyplan(newstudyplan.id); } }, switchContext(ctxid){ const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search); params.delete('categoryid'); params.set('contextid', ctxid); setTimeout(() => { // Reload page in a timeout to give other form javasccript the change to remove the beforeunload handler. window.location.href = window.location.pathname + "?" + params.toString(); },50); }, selectStudyplan(studyplanid){ // fetch studyplan app.loadingstudyplan = true; app.activestudyplan = null; call([{ methodname: 'local_treestudyplan_get_studyplan_map', args: { id: studyplanid} }])[0].then(function(response){ app.activestudyplan = ProcessStudyplan(response); debug.info('studyplan processed'); app.loadingstudyplan = false; window.location.hash = app.activestudyplan.id; }).catch(function(error){ notification.exception(error); app.loadingstudyplan = false; }); }, import_studyplan(){ const self = this; upload((filename,content)=>{ call([{ methodname: 'local_treestudyplan_import_plan', args: { content: content, format: "application/json", context_id: contextid, }, }])[0].then(function(response){ if(response.success){ self.initialize(); } else { debug.error("Import failed: ",response.msg); } }).catch(notification.exception); }, "application/json"); }, export_plan(plan,format){ let self = this; if(format == undefined || !["json","csv"].includes(format)){ format = "json"; } call([{ methodname: 'local_treestudyplan_export_plan', args: { studyplan_id: plan.id, format: format }, }])[0].then(function(response){ download(plan.shortname+".json",response.content,response.format); }).catch(notification.exception); }, }, }); }