718 lines
31 KiB
718 lines
31 KiB
// This file is part of the Studyplan plugin for Moodle
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Handle badge information
* @package local_treestudyplan
* @copyright 2023 P.M. Kuipers
* @license https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace local_treestudyplan;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
use award_criteria;
use \core_badges\badge;
* Handle badge information in the same style as the other classes
class badgeinfo {
* Holds database record
* @var \core_badges\badge
private $badge;
* Maps badge status to strings
* @var array
private const STATUSINFO = [
* Maps badge status to locked or not
* @var array
private const LOCKEDINFO = [
BADGE_STATUS_ARCHIVED => 1, // We don't want to edit archived badges anyway.... .
* Construct new badgeinfo object
* @param badge $badge Badge object to use
public function __construct(badge $badge) {
$this->badge = $badge;
* Return full name
* @return string
public function name() {
return $this->badge->name;
* Get the badge id from the badge name
* @param string $name Badge name
* @return int Badge id
public static function id_from_name($name) {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_field("badge", "id", ['name' => $name]);
* Check if a given badge exists
* @param int $id Badge id
* @return bool
public static function exists($id) {
global $DB;
return is_numeric($id) && $DB->record_exists('badge', array('id' => $id));
* Webservice structure for editor info
* @param int $value Webservice requirement constant
public static function editor_structure($value = VALUE_REQUIRED) : \external_description {
return new \external_single_structure([
"id" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of badge'),
"infolink" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge issue information link', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"name" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge name'),
"status" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge status'),
"locked" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge lock status'),
"criteria" => new \external_multiple_structure(
new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'criteria text'), 'badge criteria', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"description" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge description'),
"imageurl" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'url of badge image'),
"studentcount" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT,
'number of studyplan students that can get this badge', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"issuedcount" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT,
'number of studyplan students that have got this badge', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
], "Badge info", $value);
* Webservice model for editor info
* @param int[] $studentlist List of user id's to use for checking issueing progress within a study plan
* @return array Webservice data model
public function editor_model(array $studentlist = null) {
if ($this->badge->type == BADGE_TYPE_SITE) {
$context = \context_system::instance();
} else {
$context = \context_course::instance($this->badge->courseid);
// If the user is viewing another user's badge and doesn't have the right capability return only part of the data.
$criteria = [];
foreach ($this->badge->get_criteria() as $bc) {
$criteria[] = $bc->get_title()." ".$bc->get_details();
$model = [
'id' => $this->badge->id,
'infolink' => (new \moodle_url('/badges/overview.php', ['id' => $this->badge->id]))->out(false),
'name' => $this->badge->name,
'status' => self::STATUSINFO[$this->badge->status],
'locked' => self::LOCKEDINFO[$this->badge->status],
'criteria' => $criteria,
'description' => $this->badge->description,
'imageurl' => \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($context->id,
'badges', 'badgeimage', $this->badge->id, '/', 'f1')->out(false),
// Add badge issue stats if a studentlist is attached to the request.
if (!empty($studentlist) && is_array($studentlist)) {
$model['studentcount'] = count($studentlist);
$model['issuedcount'] = $this->count_issued($studentlist);
return $model;
* Webservice structure for userinfo
* @param int $value Webservice requirement constant
public static function user_structure($value = VALUE_REQUIRED) : \external_description {
return new \external_single_structure([
"id" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of badge'),
"infolink" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge issue information link', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"name" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge name'),
"completion" => self::badge_completion_structure(VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"description" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge description'),
"imageurl" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'url of badge image'),
"issued" => new \external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'badge is issued'),
"dateissued" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'date the badge was issued', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"dateexpire" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'date the badge will expire', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"uniquehash" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge issue hash', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"issuedlink" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'badge issue information link', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
], "Badge info", $value);
* Webservice model for user info
* @param int $userid ID of user to check specific info for
* @return array Webservice data model
public function user_model($userid) {
global $DB;
if ($this->badge->type == BADGE_TYPE_SITE) {
$context = \context_system::instance();
} else {
$context = \context_course::instance($this->badge->courseid);
$issued = $this->badge->is_issued($userid);
// If the user is viewing another user's badge and doesn't have the right capability return only part of the data.
$badge = [
'id' => $this->badge->id,
'name' => $this->badge->name,
'description' => $this->badge->description,
'imageurl' => \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($context->id,
$this->badge->id, '/', 'f1'
'completion' => $this->badge_completion_data($userid),
'issued' => $issued,
'infolink' => (new \moodle_url('/badges/overview.php', ['id' => $this->badge->id]))->out(false),
if ($issued) {
$issueinfo = $DB->get_record('badge_issued', array('badgeid' => $this->badge->id, 'userid' => $userid));
$badge['dateissued'] = date("Y-m-d", $issueinfo->dateissued);
if ($issueinfo->expiredate) {
$badge['dateexpire'] = date("Y-m-d", $issueinfo->dateexpire);
$badge['uniquehash'] = $issueinfo->uniquehash;
$badge['issuedlink'] = (new \moodle_url('/badges/badge.php', ['hash' => $issueinfo->uniquehash]))->out(false);
$f = fopen("/tmp/badgedebug","a");
fputs($f,date("Y-m-d H:M:S")." Badge info\n");
return $badge;
protected function badge_completion_structure($value) {
return new \external_single_structure([
"types" => new \external_multiple_structure(new \external_single_structure([
'criteria' => new \external_multiple_structure(new \external_single_structure([
"title" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'criterion title'),
"description" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'criterion description'),
"requirements" => new \external_multiple_structure(new \external_single_structure([
"title" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'requirment title'),
"completed" => new \external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'criterion is completed or not'),
]), "criterion specific requirements", VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"completed" => new \external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'criterion is completed or not'),
]),'specific criteria'),
"type" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'any|all'),
"aggregation" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'any|all'),
"count" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'effective number of critera for type progress'),
"progress" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'effective number of completed criteria for type progress'),
"fraction" => new \external_value(PARAM_FLOAT, 'fraction of completed type criteria as float'),
]), "criteria types",VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"aggregation" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'any|all'),
"count" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'total number of critera for progress'),
"progress" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'number of completed criteria for progress'),
"fraction" => new \external_value(PARAM_FLOAT, 'fraction of completed criteria as float'),
],'badge completion information', $value);
protected function badge_completion_data($userid) : array {
$count = 0;
$progress = 0;
$fraction = 0;
$badgeagg = $this->badge->get_aggregation_method();
$types = [];
$f = fopen("/tmp/badgedebug","a");
fputs($f,date("Y-m-d H:M:S")." Badge criteria\n");
foreach ($this->badge->criteria as $type => $bc) {
$typeagg = $this->badge->get_aggregation_method($type);
$typecrit = $this->get_award_subcriteria($bc,$userid);
$typecount = count($typecrit);
$typeprogress = 0;
foreach ($typecrit as $subcrit) {
// Quickly check if the subcriteria are completed.
if ($subcrit["completed"]) {
// Determine how to process the progress data, depending on the TYPE's aggregation.
$typecount = 1;
$typeprogress = ($typeprogress > 0)?1:0;
// Determine how to patch this data into the overall progress numbers, depending on the OVERALL aggregation.
/* If ANY completion overall, count only the criteria type with the highest completion percentage -.
Overwrite data if current type is more complete */
$typefraction = $typeprogress / $typecount;
if ($typefraction > $fraction) {
$fraction = $typefraction;
$count = $typecount;
$progress = $typeprogress;
} else {
/* If ALL completion overall, just add it up to the total */
$count += $typecount;
$progress += $typeprogress;
$typeinfo = [
'type' => $type,
'aggregation' => ($typeagg == BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ALL)?"all":"any",
'criteria' => $typecrit,
'count' => $typecount,
'progress' => $typeprogress,
"fraction" => $typefraction,
$types[] = $typeinfo;
return [
"types" => $types,
"aggregation" => ($typeagg == BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ALL)?"all":"any",
"count" => $count,
"progress" => $progress,
"fraction" => $fraction,
* Count how many of the students in the array have this badge issued
* @param int[] $studentids List of user id's to check
* @return int
public function count_issued(array $studentids) {
$issuecount = 0;
foreach ($studentids as $userid) {
if ($this->badge->is_issued($userid)) {
return $issuecount;
* Gets the module instance from the database and returns it.
* If no module instance exists this function returns false.
* @return stdClass|bool
private static function get_mod_instance($cmid) {
global $DB;
$rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT md.name
FROM {course_modules} cm,
{modules} md
WHERE cm.id = ? AND
md.id = cm.module", array($cmid));
if ($rec) {
return get_coursemodule_from_id($rec->name, $cmid);
} else {
return null;
* Gets role name.
* If no such role exists this function returns null.
* @return string|null
private static function get_role_name($rid) {
global $DB, $PAGE;
$rec = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $rid));
if ($rec) {
return role_get_name($rec, $PAGE->context, ROLENAME_BOTH);
} else {
return null;
* [Description for get_award_subcriteria]
* @param award_criteria $crit
* @return array
protected function get_award_subcriteria(award_criteria $crit, $userid = null) : array {
global $DB;
$list = [];
if ($crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY) {
foreach ($crit->params as $p) {
$mod = self::get_mod_instance($p["module"]);
if(!$mod) {
$title = get_string('error:nosuchmod', 'badges');
$description = get_string('error:nosuchmod', 'badges');
} else {
$title = \html_writer::tag('b', '"' . get_string('modulename', $mod->modname) . ' - ' . $mod->name . '"');;
$description = \html_writer::tag('b', '"' . get_string('modulename', $mod->modname) . ' - ' . $mod->name . '"');
if (isset($p['bydate'])) {
$description .= get_string('criteria_descr_bydate', 'badges', userdate($p['bydate'], get_string('strftimedate', 'core_langconfig')));
$subcrit = [
"title" => $title,
"description" => $description,
"requirements" => [
'completion' => [
'title' => get_string('completeactivity','core').
get_string('modulename', $mod->modname) . ' - ' . $mod->name,
if (isset($p["bydate"])) {
$subcrit["requirements"]["bydate"] = [
'title' => get_string('criteria_descr_bydate', 'badges', userdate($p['bydate'], get_string('strftimedate', 'core_langconfig'))),
if(isset($userid)) {
$info = new \completion_info($crit->course);
$cm = new \stdClass();
$cm->id = $p['module'];
$data = $info->get_data($cm, false, $userid);
// Successfull completion states depend on the completion settings.
if (isset($data->passgrade)) {
// Passing grade is required. Don't issue a badge when state is COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL.
} else {
// Any grade is required. Issue a badge even when state is COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL.
$modcompleted = in_array($data->completionstate, $completionstates);
$subcrit["requirements"]["completion"]["completed"] = $modcompleted;
$check_date = true;
if (isset($p["bydate"])) {
$date = $data->timemodified;
$check_date = ($date <= $p['bydate']);
$subcrit["requirements"]["completion"]["completed"] = $check_date;
$subcrit["completed"] = $modcompleted && $check_date;
$list[] = $subcrit;
} else if ($crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_MANUAL) {
foreach ($crit->params as $p) {
$role = self::get_role_name($p['role']);
if(!$role) {
$title = get_string('error:nosuchrole', 'badges');
$description = get_string('error:nosuchrole', 'badges');
} else {
$title = $role;
$description = $role;
$subcrit = [
"title" => $title,
"description" => $description,
"requirements" => []
if(isset($userid)) {
$crit = $DB->get_record('badge_manual_award', array('issuerrole' => $p['role'], 'recipientid' => $userid, 'badgeid' => $crit->badgeid));
$subcrit["completed"] = $crit;
$list[] = $subcrit;
} else if ($crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_SOCIAL) {
/* Unused in moodle - probably deprecated */
} else if ($crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COURSE || $crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COURSESET) {
if ($crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COURSE) {
$params = [reset($crit->params)]; // Only use the first parameter
} else {
$params = $crit->params;
foreach ($params as $p) {
$course = get_course($p["course"]);
if(!$course) {
$description = get_string('error:nosuchcourse',"badges");
} else {
$description = \html_writer::tag('b', '"' . $course->fullname . '"');
if (isset($p['bydate'])) {
$description .= get_string('criteria_descr_bydate', 'badges', userdate($p['bydate'], get_string('strftimedate', 'core_langconfig')));
if (isset($p['grade'])) {
$description .= get_string('criteria_descr_grade', 'badges', $p['grade']);
$subcrit = [
"title" => $course->fullname,
"description" => $description,
"requirements" => [
'completion' => [
'title' => get_string('coursecompleted','core'),
if (isset($p["grade"])) {
$subcrit["requirements"]["grade"] = [
'title' => get_string('criteria_descr_bydate','badges',$p["grade"]),
if (isset($p["bydate"])) {
$subcrit["requirements"]["bydate"] = [
'title' => get_string('criteria_descr_bydate', 'badges', userdate($p['bydate'], get_string('strftimedate', 'core_langconfig'))),
if(isset($userid)) {
$info = new \completion_info($course);
$coursecompleted = $info->is_course_complete($userid);
$subcrit["requirements"]["completion"]["completed"] = $coursecompleted;
$check_grade = true;
if (isset($p["grade"])) {
$grade = \grade_get_course_grade($userid,$course->id);
$check_grade = ($grade->grade >= $p['grade']);
$subcrit["requirements"]["completion"]["completed"] = $check_grade;
$check_date = true;
if (isset($p["bydate"])) {
$completion = new \completion_completion(["userid" => $userid, "course" => $course->id]);
$check_date = ($completion->timecompleted <= $p["bydate"]);
$subcrit["requirements"]["completion"]["completed"] = $check_date;
$subcrit["completed"] = $coursecompleted && $check_grade && $check_date;
$list[] = $subcrit;
} else if ($crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_PROFILE) {
foreach ($crit->params as $p) {
if (is_numeric($p['field'])) {
$fields = profile_get_custom_fields();
// Get formatted field name if such field exists.
$fieldname = isset($fields[$p['field']]->name) ?
format_string($fields[$p['field']]->name) : null;
} else {
$fieldname = \core_user\fields::get_display_name($p['field']);
if(!$fieldname) {
$title = get_string('error:nosuchfield', 'badges');
$description = get_string('error:nosuchfield', 'badges');
} else {
$title = $fieldname;
$description = $fieldname;
$subcrit = [
"title" => $title,
"description" => $description,
"requirements" => []
if(isset($userid)) {
$join = '';
$where = '';
$sqlparams = [ 'userid'=> $userid];
if (is_numeric($p['field'])) {
// This is a custom field.
$join .= " LEFT JOIN {user_info_data} uid ON uid.userid = u.id AND uid.fieldid = :fieldid ";
$sqlparams["fieldid"] = $p['field'];
$where = "uid.id IS NOT NULL";
} else if (in_array($p['field'], $this->allowed_default_fields)) {
// This is a valid field from {user} table.
if ($p['field'] == 'picture') {
// The picture field is numeric and requires special handling.
$where = "u.{$p['field']} != 0";
} else {
$where = $DB->sql_isnotempty('u', "u.{$p['field']}", false, true);
$sql = "SELECT 1 FROM {user} u " . $join . " WHERE u.id = :userid $where";
$completed = $DB->record_exists_sql($sql, $sqlparams);
$subcrit["completed"] = $completed;
$list[] = $subcrit;
} else if ($crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_BADGE) {
foreach ($crit->params as $p) {
$badgename = $DB->get_field('badge', 'name', array('id' => $p['badge']));
if(!$badgename) {
$title = get_string('error:nosuchbadge', 'badges');
$description = get_string('error:nosuchbadge', 'badges');
} else {
$title = \html_writer::tag('b', '"' . $badgename . '"');;
$description = \html_writer::tag('b', '"' . $badgename . '"');;
$subcrit = [
"title" => $title,
"description" => $description,
"requirements" => []
if(isset($userid)) {
$badge = $DB->get_record('badge', array('id' => $p['badge']));
// See if the user has earned this badge.
if($badge) {
$awarded = $DB->get_record('badge_issued', array('badgeid' => $p['badge'], 'userid' => $userid));
} else {
$awarded = false;
$subcrit["completed"] = $awarded;
$list[] = $subcrit;
} else if ($crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COHORT) {
foreach ($crit->params as $p) {
$cohortname = $DB->get_field('cohort', 'name', array('id' => $p['cohort']));
if(!$cohortname) {
$title = get_string('error:nosuchcohort', 'badges');
$description = get_string('error:nosuchcohort', 'badges');
} else {
$title = \html_writer::tag('b', '"' . format_string($cohortname, true) . '"');
$description = \html_writer::tag('b', '"' . format_string($cohortname, true) . '"');
$subcrit = [
"title" => $title,
"description" => $description,
"requirements" => []
if(isset($userid)) {
$cohort = $DB->get_record('cohort', array('id' => $p['cohort']));
if(\cohort_is_member($cohort->id, $userid)) {
$ismember = true;
} else {
$ismember = false;
$subcrit["completed"] = $ismember;
$list[] = $subcrit;
} else if ($crit->criteriatype == BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPETENCY) {
foreach ($crit->params as $p) {
$competency = new \core_competency\competency($p['competency']);
$competency->set('description', ''); // Will use 'short' description.
/* Below must be one of the most convoluted ways of calling tool_lp_render_competency_summary.
Since I'm pretty sure it's not an actually good idea to implement <plugin>_render_competency_summary
in a custom plugin, even though the system appearently allows you to add competency descriptions,
it's probably a case of premature optimization. Still, since this is the way that
'badges/criteria/award_criteria_competency.php does it, we'll copy its example, to avoid
differences in display....
$output = [];
// Render the competency even if competencies are not currently enabled.
if ($pluginsfunction = get_plugins_with_function('render_competency_summary')) {
foreach ($pluginsfunction as $plugintype => $plugins) {
foreach ($plugins as $pluginfunction) {
$output[] = $pluginfunction($competency, $competency->get_framework(), false, false, true);
if(count($output) < 1) {
$title = get_string('error:nosuchcompetency', 'local_treestudyplan');
$description = get_string('error:nosuchcompetency', 'local_treestudyplan');
} else {
/* Might as wel implode the output, just in case someone was actually stupid enough to implement
<plugin>_render_competency_summary in a custom plugin...
$title = implode(" ",$output);
$description = implode(" ",$output);
$subcrit = [
"title" => $title,
"description" => $description,
"requirements" => []
if(isset($userid)) {
/* Slightly modified from award_criteria_competency.php::review()
to use criteria api class instead of direct calls....
$proficiency = false;
$badge = $DB->get_record('badge', array('id' => $crit->badgeid));
if ($badge->type == BADGE_TYPE_SITE) {
$uc = \core_competency\api::get_user_competency($userid,$p['competency']);
$proficiency = $uc->get('proficiency');
} else if ($badge->type == BADGE_TYPE_COURSE) {
$uc = \core_competency\api::get_user_competency_in_course($badge->courseid,$userid,$p['competency']);
$proficiency = $uc->get('proficiency');
$subcrit["completed"] = $proficiency;
$list[] = $subcrit;
return $list;