The studyplan plugin will automatically add links to the flat navigation bat used in Moodle 3.11 and below
However, Moodle 4.0-4.2 use a new "primary navigation" bar, and does not yet support customizing the primary navigation bar (it is a planned feature though)
Use the following workaround:
You can add custom primary menu items in **Site administration** -> **Appearance** -> **Theme settings**
That page contains an item called Custom menu items". Add the following into that area to custimize it
My study plan|/local/treestudyplan/myreport.php||en
Study plans|/local/treestudyplan/view-plan.php||en
Manage Study plans|/local/treestudyplan/edit-plan.php||en
The studyplan plugin wil automatically hide the primary navigation items that are not applicable for the current user.
### Role configuration
While the studyplan management rights are added by default to the **manager** role, and students can always see the studyplans they are associated with, the faculty members' right to view the studyplans is not added to any default role. You should make a separate role for faculty that is allowed to view the study plans (or integrate it in an existing role), grant the roght *local/treestudyplan:viewuserreports* to that role, and assign the role to all users that should have this right in a given context.
The recommended roles below give an example of that.
(See **Advanced** -> **Roles and permissions** in the documentation for more details about the different roled)
#### Recommended roles
It is recommended to create the following new roles:</p>
- **View study plan of others** (*local/treestudyplan:viewuserreports*)
Then assign the role **studyplanmanager** in a specific category context, or the system context to all users who should be able to create and edit studyplans in that specific context
Assign the role **studyplanviewer** to all users who should be able to view the teacher view of the studyplan and view the specific results of users associated with that studyplan.
## Further Configuration<
After installing the plugin you can find the main configuration in **Site administration** -> **Courses** -> **Studyplans**
After installing the plugin, the detailed user manual can be found under **Site administration** -> **Courses** -> **Studyplans** -> **Studyplan plugin documentation**
(Note that viewing the html files directly will not five the optimal experience, since fontawesome tags and bootstrap styles will not be properly rendered)
To build a release zip, you can use the script **./**. This script calls grunt to build the javascript minified files where needed and creates a relase zip file with the current plugin version (as defined in *version.php*) in the directory **/build**