Better configurable backend for couse competency aggregation
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3467,7 +3467,7 @@ export default {
return cgroup.completion?'completed':'incomplete';
pathtags(competency,use_idnumber=false) {
pathtags(competency) {
const path = competency.path;
let s = "";
for (const ix in path) {
@ -3475,8 +3475,16 @@ export default {
if ( ix > 0) {
s += " / ";
s += `<a href="/admin/tool/lp/competencies.php?competencyid=${}">${(use_idnumber)?p.idnumber:p.shortname}</a>`;
let url;
if (p.type =='competency') {
url = `/admin/tool/lp/competencies.php?competencyid=${}`;
} else {
url = `/admin/tool/lp/competencies.php?competencyframeworkid=${}&pagecontextid=${p.contextid}`;
s += `<a href="${url}">${p.title}</a>`;
return s;
@ -3489,12 +3497,11 @@ export default {
<template v-else>
<tr v-for='c in value.competencies'>
<td><a href='#' v-b-modal="'modal-competency-id-'"><span v-html='c.shortname'></span></a></td>
<td v-if="c.description">
<span v-html='c.description'></span>
<td><a href='#' v-b-modal="'modal-competency-id-'"><span v-html='c.title'></span></a></td>
<td v-if="c.details">
<span v-html='c.details'></span>
<b-modal :id="'modal-competency-id-'"
:title="c.path.join(' / ')"
@ -3502,14 +3509,21 @@ export default {
<template #modal-header>
<h1><i class="fa fa-certificate"></i>
<a :href="'/admin/tool/lp/competencies.php?competencyid=''" target="_blank"
<h1><i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece"></i>
<a :href="'/admin/tool/lp/competencies.php?competencyid='" target="_blank"
>{{c.title}} {{c.details}} </a
<div>{{ pathtags(c) }}</div>
<div><span v-html="pathtags(c)"></span></div>
<span v-html='c.description'></span>
<table v-if="c.children">
<tr v-for="cc in c.children">
<td><span v-html='cc.displayfield'></span>
</td><td><span v-html='cc.description'></span>
@ -226,10 +226,6 @@ class badgeinfo {
$badge['issuedlink'] = (new \moodle_url('/badges/badge.php', ['hash' => $issueinfo->uniquehash]))->out(false);
$f = fopen("/tmp/badgedebug","a");
fputs($f,date("Y-m-d H:M:S")." Badge info\n");
return $badge;
@ -532,10 +528,6 @@ class badgeinfo {
if(isset($userid)) {
$coursecompletion = new \completion_completion(["userid" => $userid, "course" => $course->id]);
$coursecompleted = $coursecompletion->is_complete();
$f = fopen("/tmp/debug","a+");
fputs($f,$course->fullname." ".($coursecompleted?"(COMPLETED)":"(NOT completed)")."\n");
$subcrit["requirements"]["completion"]["completed"] = (bool) $coursecompleted;
$check_grade = true;
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/course/lib.php');
use core_competency\course_competency;
use core_competency\competency;
use core_competency\api as c_api;
use core_competency\competency_rule_points;
use stdClass;
@ -69,13 +70,15 @@ class coursecompetencyinfo {
public static function competencyinfo_structure($recurse=true) : \external_description {
$struct = [
"id" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'competency id'),
"shortname" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'competency short name'),
"idnumber" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'competency ID number'),
"title" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'competency display title'),
"details" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'competency details'),
"description" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'competency description'),
"ruleoutcome" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'competency rule outcome text', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"rule" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'competency rule description', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"path" => new \external_multiple_structure(new \external_single_structure([
"id" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT),
"shortname" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW),
"idnumber" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT),
"title" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW),
"type" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT),
]), 'competency path'),
"grade" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'competency grade', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"coursegrade" => new \external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'course competency grade', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
@ -84,6 +87,8 @@ class coursecompetencyinfo {
"nproficient" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'number of students with proficiency',VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"ncourseproficient" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'number of students with course proficiency',VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"count" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'number of students in stats',VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"required" => new \external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'if required in parent competency rule',VALUE_OPTIONAL),
"points" => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'number of points in parent competency rule',VALUE_OPTIONAL),
if($recurse) {
$struct["children"] = new \external_multiple_structure(self::competencyinfo_structure(false),'child competencies',VALUE_OPTIONAL);
@ -120,27 +125,54 @@ class coursecompetencyinfo {
* @param Object $competency
private function competencyinfo_model($competency) : array {
$displayfield = get_config("local_treestudyplan","competency_displayname");
$detailfield = get_config("local_treestudyplan","competency_detailfield");
$headingfield = ($displayfield != 'description')?$displayfield:"shortname";
$framework = $competency->get_framework();
$path = [];
$heading = $framework->get($headingfield);
if(empty(trim($heading))) {
$heading = $framework->get('shortname'); // Fall back to shortname if heading field is empty
$path = [[
'id' => $framework->get('id'),
'title' => $heading,
'contextid' => $framework->get('contextid'),
'type' => 'framework',
foreach ($competency->get_ancestors() as $c) {
$competencypath[] = $c->get('shortname');
$heading = $c->get($headingfield);
if(empty(trim($heading))) {
$heading = $c->get('shortname'); // Fall back to shortname if heading field is empty
$path[] = [
'id' => $c->get('id'),
'shortname' => $c->get('shortname'),
'idnumber' => $c->get('idnumber'),
'title' => $heading,
'contextid' => $framework->get('contextid'),
'type' => 'competency',
$heading = $competency->get($headingfield);
if(empty(trim($heading))) {
$heading = $competency->get('shortname'); // Fall back to shortname if heading field is empty
$path[] = [
'id' => $competency->get('id'),
'shortname' => $competency->get('shortname'),
'idnumber' => $competency->get('idnumber'),
'title' => $heading,
'contextid' => $framework->get('contextid'),
'type' => 'competency',
$title = $competency->get($displayfield);
if(empty(trim($title))) {
$title = $competency->get('shortname'); // Fall back to shortname if heading field is empty
$model = [
'id' => $competency->get('id'),
'shortname' => $competency->get('shortname'),
'idnumber' => $competency->get('idnumber'),
'title' => $title,
'details' => $competency->get($detailfield),
'description' => $competency->get('description'),
'path' => $path,
@ -162,37 +194,80 @@ class coursecompetencyinfo {
$ncourseproficient = 0;
foreach($coursecompetencies as $c) {
$stats = $this->proficiency_stats($c,$studentlist);
$count += $stats->count;
$nproficient += $stats->nproficient;
$ncourseproficient += $stats->ncourseproficient;
$stats = $this->proficiency_stats($c,$studentlist);
$count += $stats->count;
$nproficient += $stats->nproficient;
$ncourseproficient += $stats->ncourseproficient;
$ci = $this->competencyinfo_model($c);
// Copy proficiency stats to model.
foreach ((array)$stats as $key => $value) {
$ci[$key] = $value;
$ci['required'] = $this->is_required($c);
// get one level of children
$dids = competency::get_descendants_ids($c);
if(count($dids) > 0) {
$children = [];
foreach($dids as $did) {
$cc = new competency($did);
$cci = $this->competencyinfo_model($cc);
$children[] = $cci;
$rule = $c->get_rule_object();
$ruleoutcome = $c->get('ruleoutcome');
if($rule && $ruleoutcome != competency::OUTCOME_NONE) {
$ruletext = $rule->get_name();
$ruleconfig = $c->get('ruleconfig');
if ($ruleoutcome == competency::OUTCOME_EVIDENCE) {
$outcometag = "evidence";
} else if ($ruleoutcome == competency::OUTCOME_COMPLETE) {
$outcometag = "complete";
} else if ($ruleoutcome == competency::OUTCOME_RECOMMEND) {
$outcometag = "recommend";
} else {
$outcometag = "none";
$model["ruleoutcome"] = get_string("coursemodulecompetencyoutcome_{$outcometag}","core_competency");
if ($rule instanceof competency_rule_points) {
$ruleconfig = json_decode($ruleconfig);
$points = $ruleconfig->base->points;
// Make a nice map of the competency rule config
$crlist = [];
foreach($ruleconfig->competencies as $cr){
$crlist[$cr->id] = $cr;
$model["rule"] = $ruletext . " ({$points} ".get_string("points","core_grades").")";
} else {
$model["rule"] = $ruletext;
$ci["children"] = $children;
// get one level of children
$dids = competency::get_descendants_ids($c);
if(count($dids) > 0) {
$children = [];
foreach($dids as $did) {
$cc = new competency($did);
$cci = $this->competencyinfo_model($cc);
if($rule instanceof competency_rule_points) {
if(array_key_exists($did,$crlist)) {
$cr = $crlist[$did];
$cci["points"] = (int) $cr->points;
$cci["required"] = (int) $cr->required;
$children[] = $cci;
$ci["children"] = $children;
$cis[] = $ci;
$info = [
"competencies" => $cis,
"fproficient" => (float)($nproficient)/(float)($count),
"fcourseproficient" => (float)($ncourseproficient)/(float)($count),
$info["fproficient"] = (float)($nproficient)/(float)($count);
$info["fcourseproficient"] = (float)($ncourseproficient)/(float)($count);
return $info;
@ -218,24 +293,71 @@ class coursecompetencyinfo {
$progress += 1;
// get one level of children
$dids = competency::get_descendants_ids($c);
if(count($dids) > 0) {
$children = [];
foreach($dids as $did) {
$cc = new competency($did);
$cci = $this->competencyinfo_model($cc);
$cp = $this->proficiency($cc,$userid);
// Copy proficiency info to model.
foreach ((array)$cp as $key => $value) {
$cci[$key] = $value;
$rule = $c->get_rule_object();
$ruleoutcome = $c->get('ruleoutcome');
if($rule && $ruleoutcome != competency::OUTCOME_NONE) {
$ruletext = $rule->get_name();
$ruleconfig = $c->get('ruleconfig');
if ($ruleoutcome == competency::OUTCOME_EVIDENCE) {
$outcometag = "evidence";
} else if ($ruleoutcome == competency::OUTCOME_COMPLETE) {
$outcometag = "complete";
} else if ($ruleoutcome == competency::OUTCOME_RECOMMEND) {
$outcometag = "recommend";
} else {
$outcometag = "none";
$model["ruleoutcome"] = get_string("coursemodulecompetencyoutcome_{$outcometag}","core_competency");
if ($rule instanceof competency_rule_points) {
$ruleconfig = json_decode($ruleconfig);
$pointsreq = $ruleconfig->base->points;
$points = 0;
// Make a nice map of the competency rule config
$crlist = [];
foreach($ruleconfig->competencies as $cr){
$crlist[$cr->id] = $cr;
$children[] = $cci;
$ci["children"] = $children;
// get one level of children
$dids = competency::get_descendants_ids($c);
if(count($dids) > 0) {
$children = [];
foreach($dids as $did) {
$cc = new competency($did);
$cci = $this->competencyinfo_model($cc);
if($rule instanceof competency_rule_points) {
$cp = $p = $this->proficiency($cc,$userid);
// Copy proficiency info to model.
foreach ((array)$cp as $key => $value) {
$cci[$key] = $value;
if(array_key_exists($did,$crlist)) {
$cr = $crlist[$did];
$cci["points"] = (int) $cr->points;
$cci["required"] = (int) $cr->required;
if($cp->proficient) {
$points += (int) $cr->points;
$children[] = $cci;
$ci["children"] = $children;
if ($rule instanceof competency_rule_points) {
$model["rule"] = $ruletext . " ({$points} / {$pointsreq} ".get_string("points","core_grades").")";
} else {
$model["rule"] = $ruletext;
$cis[] = $ci;
@ -299,4 +421,63 @@ class coursecompetencyinfo {
$r->coursegrade = $scale->get_nearest_item($ucc->get('grade'));
return $r;
* Webservice executor to mark competency as required
* @param int $competencyid ID of the competency
* @param int $itemid ID of the study item
* @param bool $required Mark competency as required or not
* @return success Always returns successful success object
public static function require_competency(int $competencyid, int $itemid, bool $required) {
global $DB;
$item = studyitem::find_by_id($itemid);
// Make sure conditions are properly configured;
$conditions = [];
try {
$conditions = json_decode($item->conditions(),true);
} catch (\Exception $x) {}
// Make sure the competencied field exists
if (!isset($conditions["competencies"]) || !is_array($conditions["competencies"])) {
$conditions["competencies"] = [];
// Make sure a record exits.
if (!array_key_exists($competencyid,$conditions["competencies"])){
$conditions["competencies"][$competencyid] = [
"required" => boolval($required),
} else {
$conditions["competencies"][$competencyid]["required"] = boolval($required);
// Store conditions;
$item->edit(["conditions" => json_encode($conditions)]);
return success::success();
* Check if this gradable item is marked required in the studyitem
* @return bool
public function is_required($competency) {
if ($this->studyitem) {
$conditions = [];
try {
$conditions = json_decode($this->studyitem->conditions(),true);
} catch (\Exception $x) {}
// Make sure the competencied field exists
if ( isset($conditions["competencies"])
&& is_array($conditions["competencies"])
&& isset($conditions["competencies"][$competency->get("id")])
&& isset($conditions["competencies"][$competency->get("id")]["required"])
) {
return boolval($conditions["competencies"][$competency->get("id")]["required"]);
@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ class competency_aggregator extends \local_treestudyplan\aggregator {
$count = 0;
$courseproficient = 0;
$proficient = 0;
$requiredmet = 0;
$requiredcount = 0;
foreach ($competencies as $c) {
$count += 1;
$p = $cci->proficiency($c,$userid);
@ -182,19 +184,26 @@ class competency_aggregator extends \local_treestudyplan\aggregator {
if ($p->courseproficient) {
$courseproficient += 1;
if ($cci->is_required(($c))){
$requiredcount += 1;
if ($p->proficient) {
$requiredmet += 1;
// Determine minimum for
$limit = $this->cfg()->thresh_completed * $count;
$coursefinished = ($course->enddate) ? ($course->enddate < time()) : false;
if ($courseproficient >= $count) {
if ($courseproficient >= $count && $requiredmet >= $requiredcount) {
if ($limit < $count) {
return completion::EXCELLENT;
} else {
return completion::COMPLETED;
} else if ($courseproficient > $limit) {
} else if ($courseproficient > $limit && $requiredmet >= $requiredcount) {
return completion::COMPLETED;
} else if ($courseproficient > 0) {
if ( $this->cfg()->use_failed && $coursefinished) {
@ -132,10 +132,8 @@ class tristate_aggregator extends \local_treestudyplan\aggregator {
* @return int Aggregated completion as completion class constant
public function aggregate_course(courseinfo $courseinfo, studyitem $studyitem, $userid) {
$condition = $studyitem->conditions();
if (empty($condition)) {
$condition = self::DEFAULT_CONDITION;
$condition = self::DEFAULT_CONDITION;
$list = [];
foreach (gradeinfo::list_studyitem_gradables($studyitem) as $gi) {
$list[] = $this->grade_completion($gi, $userid);
@ -84,7 +84,11 @@ class studyitem {
* Return the condition string for this item
public function conditions() : string {
return (!empty($this->r->conditions)) ? $this->r->conditions : "ALL";
if($this->r->type == self::COURSE) {
return (!empty($this->r->conditions)) ? $this->r->conditions : "";
} else {
return (!empty($this->r->conditions)) ? $this->r->conditions : "ALL";
@ -288,6 +288,10 @@ $string["settingdesc_bistate_thresh_progress"] = 'Minimum percentage of outcomes
$string["setting_bistate_accept_pending_submitted"] = 'Accept submitted but ungraded result as "progress"';
$string["settingdesc_bistate_accept_pending_submitted"] = 'If enabled, submitted but ungraded outcomes will still count toward progress. If disabled, only graded outcomes will count';
$string["setting_competency_displayname"] = 'Competency display title';
$string["settingdesc_competency_displayname"] = 'The competency field used as it\'s title in the studyplan';
$string["setting_competency_detailfield"] = 'Competency detail field';
$string["settingdesc_competency_detailfield"] = 'The competency field used for competency details';
$string["setting_competency_heading"] = 'Defults for course competencies ';
$string["settingdesc_competency_heading"] = 'Set the defaults for this aggregation method';
$string["setting_competency_thresh_completed"] = 'Threshold for good (%)';
@ -287,6 +287,10 @@ $string["settingdesc_bistate_thresh_progress"] = 'Minimumpercentage van doelen d
$string["setting_bistate_accept_pending_submitted"] = 'Accepteer nog niet beoordeelde doelen als "in ontwikkeling"';
$string["settingdesc_bistate_accept_pending_submitted"] = 'Neem leerdoelen waarbij bewijs is ingeleverd, maar wat nog niet is beoordeeld mee als "in ontwikkeling", zolang er nog geen beoordeling is';
$string["setting_competency_displayname"] = 'Weergavetitel competentie';
$string["settingdesc_competency_displayname"] = 'Veld dat wordt gebruikt als titel voor een competentie';
$string["setting_competency_detailfield"] = 'Detailinfo competentie';
$string["settingdesc_competency_detailfield"] = 'Veld dat wordt gebruikt voor korte competentie details. ';
$string["setting_competency_heading"] = 'Standaardwaarden voor cursuscompetenties ';
$string["settingdesc_competency_heading"] = 'Stel de standaardwaarden in voor deze verzamelmethode';
$string["setting_competency_thresh_completed"] = 'Drempelwaarde voor voltooid (%)';
@ -405,15 +405,6 @@ function local_treestudyplan_pluginfile(
): bool {
global $DB,$USER;
$fp = fopen("/tmp/debug","a+");
fputs($fp, print_r([
'context' => $context,
'filearea' => $filearea,
'args' => $args,
'forcedownload' => $forcedownload,
'options' => $options,
$studyplan_filecaps = ["local/treestudyplan:editstudyplan","local/treestudyplan:viewuserreports"];
@ -107,7 +107,27 @@ if ($hassiteconfig) {
$page->add(new admin_setting_configselect('local_treestudyplan/competency_displayname',
get_string('setting_competency_displayname', 'local_treestudyplan'),
get_string('settingdesc_competency_displayname', 'local_treestudyplan'),
["shortname" => get_string("name","core",),
"idnumber" => get_string("idnumber","core",),
"description" => get_string("description","core",)]
$page->add(new admin_setting_configselect('local_treestudyplan/competency_detailfield',
get_string('setting_competency_detailfield', 'local_treestudyplan'),
get_string('settingdesc_competency_detailfield', 'local_treestudyplan'),
["" => get_string("none","core",),
"shortname" => get_string("name","core",),
"idnumber" => get_string("idnumber","core",),
"description" => get_string("description","core",)]
$page->add(new admin_setting_heading('local_treestudyplan/competency_aggregation_heading',
get_string('setting_competency_heading', 'local_treestudyplan'),
get_string('settingdesc_competency_heading', 'local_treestudyplan')
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$plugin->component = 'local_treestudyplan'; // Recommended since 2.0.2 (MDL-26035). Required since 3.0 (MDL-48494).
$plugin->version = 2023111700; // YYYYMMDDHH (year, month, day, iteration).
$plugin->version = 2023112301; // YYYYMMDDHH (year, month, day, iteration).
$plugin->requires = 2021051700; // YYYYMMDDHH (This is the release version for Moodle 3.11).
$plugin->release = "1.1.0-b";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user