The amount of css rules required for this plugin is quite high. To accomodate the moodle plugin practice of plugin specific css selectors, this makes the css rules quite hard to maintain. Unfortunately, moodle does not extend the sass/scss compiler support to plugins that are not a theme. To alleviate this, this plugin extends moodle's Gruntfile.js scripts to compile 'scss/styles.scss' into 'css/devstyles.css' (and 'styles.css') 'css/devstyles.css' is used instead of styles.css in order to avoid having to clear the theme cache every time a style rule is changed during development. styles.css is used in production environtments and css/devstyles.css as an override in production environments, in order to avoid having to clear the theme cache every time a style rule is changed during development. The grunt command to compile is 'grunt scssplugin', but 'grunt watch' or just 'grunt' will include these scss files in compilation too