. /** * Webservice class for managing studyplans * @package local_treestudyplan * @copyright 2023 P.M. Kuipers * @license https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace local_treestudyplan; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use local_treestudyplan\local\helpers\webservicehelper; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/externallib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/badgeslib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/course/modlib.php'); /** * Webservice class for managing studyplans */ class utilityservice extends \external_api { /** * Capability required to edit study plans * @var string */ const CAP_EDIT = "local/treestudyplan:editstudyplan"; /** * Capability required to view studyplans (for other users) * @var string */ const CAP_VIEW = "local/treestudyplan:viewuserreports"; protected function load_mform($formname, $params, $ajaxformdata = null) { global $CFG; /* We don't need to load the form php file (class autoloading will handle that) but we do need to check it's existence to give a nice developer warning and protect against some forms of hacking */ $modmoodleform = "$CFG->dirroot/local/treestudyplan/classes/local/forms/{$formname}.php"; if (!file_exists($modmoodleform)) { throw new \moodle_exception('noformdesc', 'local_treestudyplan');; } $mformclassname = "\\local_treestudyplan\\local\\forms\\{$formname}"; $jsonparams = json_decode($params); $mform = new $mformclassname( $jsonparams, $ajaxformdata); return $mform; } /** * Returns description of get_mform parameters * * @return \external_function_parameters * @since Moodle 3.1 */ public static function get_mform_parameters() { return new \external_function_parameters([ 'formname' => new \external_value(PARAM_COMPONENT, 'name of the treestudyplan form to parse'), 'params' => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'JSON encoded parameters for form initialization'), ]); } /** * Get a HTML of a studyplan mform(s) via AJAX to insert into html * * @param string $formname Name of the form. * @param array $params Params needed to properly initialize the form * @return array HTML and JavaScript fragments for insertion into stuff. */ public static function get_mform($formname, $params = '') { global $OUTPUT, $PAGE, $CFG; \external_api::validate_context(\context_system::instance()); require_login(null,false,null); // Hack alert: Set a default URL to stop the annoying debug. $PAGE->set_url('/'); // Hack alert: Forcing bootstrap_renderer to initiate moodle page. $OUTPUT->header(); /* Overwriting page_requirements_manager with the fragment one so only JS included from this point is returned to the user. */ $PAGE->start_collecting_javascript_requirements(); // Load the form before any output is started. $mform = self::load_mform($formname, $params); // Perform actual render. $html = $mform->render(); $jsfooter = $PAGE->requires->get_end_code(); $output = ['html' => $html, 'javascript' => $jsfooter]; return $output; } /** * Returns description of get_mform() result value * * @return \core_external\external_description * @since Moodle 3.1 */ public static function get_mform_returns() { return new \external_single_structure( [ 'html' => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'HTML fragment.'), 'javascript' => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'JavaScript fragment') ] ); } /** * Parameter description for webservice function submit_cm_editform */ public static function submit_mform_parameters() : \external_function_parameters { return new \external_function_parameters( [ 'formname' => new \external_value(PARAM_COMPONENT, 'name of the treestudyplan form to parse'), 'params' => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'JSON encoded parameters for form initialization'), "formdata" => new \external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'url encoded form data'), ] ); } /** * Return value description for webservice function submit_cm_editform */ public static function submit_mform_returns() : \external_description { return success::structure(); } /** * Submit specified form data into form * @param string $formname Name of the form. * @param array $params Params needed to properly initialize the form * @param mixed $formdata * @return array Success/fail structure */ public static function submit_mform($formname, $params, $formdata) { \external_api::validate_context(\context_system::instance()); require_login(null,false,null); $ajaxformdata = []; parse_str($formdata,$ajaxformdata); // Load the form, provide submitted form data and perform security checks $mform = self::load_mform($formname, $params, $ajaxformdata); if ($mform->process_submission() !== false) { return success::success()->model(); } else { return success::fail("Error in submission data")->model(); } } }