libdir . "/form/text.php"); class text_integer extends MoodleQuickForm_text { public function toHtml() { global $PAGE; // Add number type attribute $this->_attributes['type'] = 'number'; $html = parent::toHtml(); // Add javascript call to handle stuff $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('local_treestudyplan/util/formfields', 'text_integer', ['id' => $this->getAttribute('id')]); return $html; } public static function Register() { global $CFG; MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType( // The custom element is named `course_competency_rule`. // This is the element name used in the `addElement()` function. 'text_integer', // This is where it's definition is defined. // This does not currently support class auto-loading. "$CFG->dirroot/local/treestudyplan/classes/local/form_elements/text_integer.php", // The class name of the element. 'local_treestudyplan\local\form_elements\text_integer' ); } }