libdir.'/externallib.php'); class studyitemconnection { const TABLE = "local_treestudyplan_connect"; private $r; private $id; protected function __construct($r){ $this->r = $r; $this->id = $r->id; } public static function structure($value=VALUE_REQUIRED){ return new \external_single_structure([ 'id' => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of connection'), 'from_id' => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of start item'), 'to_id' => new \external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of end item'), ],'',$value); } public function model(){ return ['id' => $this->r->id, 'from_id' => $this->r->from_id, 'to_id' => $this->r->to_id]; } public function from_item(){ return studyitem::findById($this->r->from_id); } public function to_item(){ return studyitem::findById($this->r->to_id); } public function from_id(){ return $this->r->from_id; } public function to_id(){ return $this->r->to_id; } public static function find_outgoing($item_id){ global $DB; $list = []; $conn_out = $DB->get_records(self::TABLE,['from_id' => $item_id]); foreach($conn_out as $c) { $list[] = new self($c); } return $list; } public static function find_incoming($item_id){ global $DB; $list = []; $conn_in = $DB->get_records(self::TABLE,['to_id' => $item_id]); foreach($conn_in as $c) { $list[] = new self($c); } return $list; } public static function connect($from_id,$to_id) { global $DB; //check if link already exists if(!$DB->record_exists(self::TABLE, ['from_id' => $from_id, 'to_id' => $to_id])) { $id = $DB->insert_record(self::TABLE, [ 'from_id' => $from_id, 'to_id' => $to_id, ]); return new self($DB->get_record(self::TABLE,['id' => $id])); } else { return new self($DB->get_record(self::TABLE,['from_id' => $from_id, 'to_id' => $to_id])); } } public static function disconnect($from_id,$to_id) { global $DB; if($DB->record_exists(self::TABLE, ['from_id' => $from_id, 'to_id' => $to_id])) { $DB->delete_records(self::TABLE, [ 'from_id' => $from_id, 'to_id' => $to_id, ]); return success::success('Items Disconnected'); } else { return success::success('Connection does not exist'); } } public static function clear($id) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records(self::TABLE, ['from_id' => $id]); $DB->delete_records(self::TABLE, ['to_id' => $id]); } }