# moodle-local_treestudyplan ## Adding links to the primary navigation menu The studyplan plugin will automatically add links to the flat navigation bat used in Moodle 3.11 and below However, Moodle 4.0-4.2 use a new "primary navigation" bar, and does not yet support customizing the primary navigation bar (it is a planned feature though) **Use the following workaround:** You can add custom primary menu items in **Site administration** -> **Appearance** -> **Theme settings** That page contains an item called "Custom menu items" Add the following into that area to custimize it // [your name for my studyplan]|/local/treestudyplan/myreport.php // [your name for studyplan viewing]|/local/treestudyplan/view-plan.php // [your name for studyplan managing]|/local/treestudyplan/edit-plan.php // For example: ``` Mijn studieplan|/local/treestudyplan/myreport.php||nl Studieplannen|/local/treestudyplan/view-plan.php||nl Studieplannen beheren|/local/treestudyplan/edit-plan.php||nl My study plan|/local/treestudyplan/myreport.php||en Study plans|/local/treestudyplan/view-plan.php||en Manage Study plans|/local/treestudyplan/edit-plan.php||en ``` ## Dev Notepad ### Size matching and grid view Link to jsfiddle for size matching with different scroll area (frozen line headings): https://jsfiddle.net/pmkuipers/sfweghr1/4/ Use proper grid styling for column resizing (see same fiddle) ### Scroll bar syling example style with cross-browser support ``` :root{ --primary: #006DDD; } div.scroll { height: 50em; overflow-y: scroll; scrollbar-color: var(--primary) color-mix(in srgb, var(--primary) 20%, white); scrollbar-width: thin; } div.scroll::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 8px; } /* Track */ div.scroll::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: color-mix(in srgb, var(--primary) 20%, white); } /* Handle */ div.scroll::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background:var(--primary); } ```