#!/bin/bash SCRIPTDIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) WD=`pwd` # get the current vuejs mode VUEMODE=`$SCRIPTDIR/vuemode.sh query` if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then exit 1 fi if [[ "$1" == "dev" ]]; then BUILDMODE='dev'; else BUILDMODE='prod'; fi # switch vuejs to build mode $SCRIPTDIR/vuemode.sh $BUILDMODE # run the grunt script in the scripts working directory # so we can be sure all javascript is properly built from the most recent source cd $SCRIPTDIR rm -rf "${SCRIPTDIR}/amd/build/" # clear all files in the amd build dir so we don't have leftover files messing things up grunt amd grunt scssplugin # plugin specific scss task to compile styles.css from scss files # run the build php script php ${SCRIPTDIR}/build.php $@ if [[ "$VUEMODE" != "$BUILDMODE" ]]; then # switch vuejs vack to original mode $SCRIPTDIR/vuemode.sh $VUEMODE # re-do the grunt compiling grunt amd fi # return to the working directory cd $WD