libdir . '/clilib.php'); $usage = "Prime the generator with random stats for all relevant students Usage: # php prime_students.php --studyplan= [--file|-f=userfile] # php prime_students.php --all|-a [--file|-f=userfile] # php prime_students.php --help|-h Options: -h --help Print this help. --file= Specify file name to store generated user specs in. "; list($options, $unrecognised) = cli_get_params([ 'help' => false, 'studyplan' => null, 'all' => false, 'file' => "/tmp/generategrades.json" ], [ 'h' => 'help', 's' => 'studyplan', 'a' => 'all', 'f' => 'file', ]); if ($unrecognised) { $unrecognised = implode(PHP_EOL . ' ', $unrecognised); cli_error(get_string('cliunknowoption', 'core_admin', $unrecognised)); } if ($options['help']) { cli_writeln($usage); exit(2); } //cli_writeln(print_r($options,true)); if (empty($options['studyplan']) && empty($options["all"])) { cli_error('Missing mandatory argument studyplan.', 2); } if(!empty($options["all"])){ $plans = studyplan::find_all(); } else { $plans = studyplan::find_by_shortname($options["studyplan"]); } $generator = new gradegenerator(); $generator->fromFile($options["file"]); cli_writeln(count($plans)." studyplans found:"); foreach($plans as $plan){ cli_heading($plan->name()); $users = $plan->find_linked_users(); foreach($users as $u){ $generator->addstudent($u->username); $generator->addUserNameInfo($u->username,$u->firstname,$u->lastname); cli_writeln(" - {$u->firstname} {$u->lastname} / {$u->username}"); } foreach($plan->pages() as $page){ $lines = studyline::find_page_children($page); foreach($lines as $line){ cli_writeln(" ** {$line->name()} **"); $items = studyitem::find_studyline_children($line); foreach($users as $u){ $generator->addskill($u->username,$line->shortname()); } } } } $generator->toFile($options["file"]);