
266 lines
14 KiB

$string['pluginname'] = 'Studyplans';
$string['treestudyplan:editstudyplan'] = "Manage studyplans";
$string['treestudyplan:configure'] = "Configure studyplans";
$string['treestudyplan:viewuserreports'] = "View study plan of others";
$string['report'] = 'Progress report';
$string['report_invited'] = 'Progress report for {$a}';
$string['report_index'] = 'View student progress reports';
$string['manage_invites'] = 'Share studyplan access';
$string['share_report'] = 'Share';
$string['invalid_invitekey_title'] = "Invite key required";
$string['invalid_invitekey_error'] = "You need an invitation to view data via this portal";
$string['invite_description'] = "You can invite your parents or guardians to view your results. Those who receive your sharing link can view your grades until you revoke the invite";
$string['invite_tablecaption'] = "Active invites";
$string['invite_table_empty'] = "No active invites";
$string['invite_tooltip_resend'] = "Resend invite";
$string['invite_tooltip_edit'] = "Edit invite";
$string['invite_tooltip_delete'] = "Delete invite";
$string['invite_tooltip_testlink'] = "See how your results are shown";
$string['invite_button_new'] = "New invite";
$string['invite_confirm_resend'] = 'Are your sure you want to send the invite link to {$a} again?';
$string['invite_confirm_delete'] = 'Are your sure tou want to delete/revoke the invite for {$a}?';
$string['invite_desc_new'] = "Create a new invitation";
$string['invite_desc_edit'] = "Edit an existing invitation";
$string['invite_name'] = "Name";
$string['invite_email'] = "Email";
$string['invite_date'] = "Date";
$string['invite_resent_msg'] = 'The invitation for {$a->name}<{$a->email}> has been sent';
$string['invite_mail_subject'] = 'Shared grade card of {$a->sender}';
$string['invite_mail_text'] = '
<p>Dear {$a->invitee},</p>
<p>I\'d like to invite you to view my study plan and progess.</p>
<p>The link below gives you access at any time to view the most recent results. Feel free to bookmark this link in your browser.</p>
<p>Click the link below to view the study plan:<br>
<a href="{$a->link}">{$a->link}</a></p>
<p>Kind regards,<br>
$string['view_plan'] = 'View studyplans';
$string['edit_plan'] = 'Edit studyplan';
$string['settingspage'] = 'Studyplan settings';
$string['setting_taxonomy_category'] = 'Competency taxonomy for categories';
$string['settingdesc_taxonomy_category'] = 'Indicate the taxonomy used to indicate a competency as a category';
$string['setting_taxonomy_module'] = 'Competency taxonomy for modules';
$string['settingdesc_taxonomy_module'] = 'Indicate the taxonomy used to indicate a competency as a module';
$string['setting_taxonomy_goal'] = 'Competency taxonomy for learning goals';
$string['settingdesc_taxonomy_goal'] = 'Indicate the taxonomy used to indicate a competency as learning goal';
$string['setting_display_heading'] = 'Display';
$string['settingdesc_display_heading'] = 'Study plan display settings';
$string['setting_display_field'] = 'Course display name';
$string['settingdesc_display_field'] = 'Select the field to use for the display name of a course in the studyplan';
$string['settingspage_csync'] = 'Studyplan cohort sync';
$string['setting_csync_heading'] = 'Automatically create a cohort sync in all courses linked to a studyplan for all cohorts linked to a studyplan';
$string['settingdesc_csync_heading'] = '';
$string['setting_csync_enable_field'] = 'Automatic cohort sync';
$string['settingdesc_csync_enable_field'] = 'Enable automatic cohort sync';
$string['setting_csync_autoremove_field'] = 'Automatic deletion';
$string['settingdesc_csync_autoremove_field'] = 'Delete syncronization from courses once a cohort is removed from the studyplan';
$string['setting_csync_creategroup_field'] = 'Create groups';
$string['settingdesc_csync_creategroup_field'] = 'Create a group in the course for each cohort sync';
$string['setting_csync_role_field'] = 'Role';
$string['settingdesc_csync_role_field'] = 'The role to use for automatic cohort sync enrolment created in courses';
$string['studyplan_add'] = 'Add study plan';
$string['studyplan_edit'] = 'Edit study plan';
$string['studyplan_remove'] = 'Remove study plan';
$string['studyplan_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove studyplan {$a}?';
$string['studyplan_name'] = 'Full name';
$string['studyplan_name_ph'] = '';
$string['studyplan_shortname'] = 'Code';
$string['studyplan_shortname_ph'] = '';
$string['studyplan_description'] = 'Description';
$string['studyplan_description_ph'] = '';
$string['studyplan_slots'] = 'Number of slots in plan';
$string['studyplan_startdate'] = 'Start date of plan';
$string['studyplan_enddate'] = 'End date of plan';
$string['studyplan_noneselected'] = "Pick a studyplan to start editing";
$string['studyplan_select'] = "Study plan:";
$string['studyplan_select_placeholder'] = "Select studyplan";
$string['studyline_add'] = 'Add study line';
$string['studyline_edit'] = 'Edit study line';
$string['studyline_editmode'] = 'Edit study lines';
$string['studyline_remove'] = 'Remove study line';
$string['studyline_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove studyline {$a}?';
$string['studyline_name'] = 'Full name';
$string['studyline_name_ph'] = '';
$string['studyline_shortname'] = 'Code';
$string['studyline_shortname_ph'] = '';
$string['studyline_color'] = 'Background color';
$string['studyitem_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove module {$a}?';
$string['editmode_modules_hidden'] = 'Modules hidden in edit mode';
$string['toolbox'] = 'Toolbox';
$string['opentoolbox'] = 'Open toolbox';
$string['toolbar-right'] = 'Show toolbox at the right';
$string['tool-junction'] = 'Junction';
$string['tool-start'] = 'Start/continue';
$string['tool-finish'] = 'Finish';
$string['tool-badge'] = 'Badge';
$string['badges'] = 'Badges';
$string['item_configuration'] = "Configure study item";
$string['select_conditions'] = 'Completion condition';
$string['condition_default'] = 'Default for this item';
$string['condition_all'] = 'All entries need to be completed';
$string['condition_67'] = '2/3 of entries need to be completed';
$string['condition_50'] = 'Half of entries need to be completed';
$string['condition_any'] = 'One or more entries need to be completed';
$string['courses'] = 'Courses';
$string['select_grades'] = 'Grades included in report';
$string['configure_completion'] = "Configure course completion";
$string['completion_not_configured'] = "Course completion has not yet been configured.";
$string['completion_failed'] = "Failed";
$string['completion_incomplete'] = "Not started";
$string['completion_pending'] = "Pending review";
$string['completion_progress'] = "In progress";
$string['completion_completed'] = "Completed";
$string['completion_good'] = "Good";
$string['completion_excellent'] = "Excellent";
$string['completion_passed'] = "Passed";
$string['cfg_grades'] = 'Configure grade & scale interpretation';
$string['cfg_plans'] = 'Manage study plans';
$string['cfg_grades_desc_head'] = 'Configure how reuslts for goals are presented.';
$string['cfg_grades_desc'] = 'If failed results are supported, the threshold for progression is relevant. All results below this threshold will be considered failed. Empty results or 0 will always be read as not started. <br> The completion threshold always takes preference if it is equal to or lower than th progression threshold.';
$string['cfg_grades_grades'] = 'Configure scale grade interpretation';
$string['cfg_grades_scales'] = 'Configure point grade interpretation';
$string['min_progress'] = 'Progression threshold';
$string['min_completed'] = 'Completion threshold';
$string['grade_points'] = 'Maximum grade points';
$string['view_feedback'] = 'View feedback';
$string["coursetiming_past"] = "Past course";
$string["coursetiming_present"] = "Active course";
$string["coursetiming_future"] = "Upcoming course";
$string["link_myreport"] = "My study plan";
$string["link_viewplan"] = "Study plans";
$string["nav_invited"] = "View study plan by invitation";
$string['associations'] = 'Associations';
$string['associated_cohorts'] = 'Linked cohorts';
$string['associated_users'] = 'Linked users';
$string['associate_cohorts'] = 'Search cohorts to add';
$string['associate_users'] = 'Search users to add';
$string['add_association'] = 'Add';
$string['delete_association'] = 'Delete';
$string['associations_empty'] = 'No active associations';
$string['associations_search'] = 'Search';
$string['users'] = 'Users';
$string['cohorts'] = 'Cohorts';
$string['selected'] = 'Select';
$string['name'] = 'Name';
$string['context'] = 'Category';
$string['error'] = "Error";
$string['ungraded'] = 'Needs grading';
$string['graded'] = 'Graded';
$string['allgraded'] = 'All graded';
$string['unsubmitted'] = 'No submission';
$string['nogrades'] = 'No grades';
$string['unknown'] = 'Grading status unknown';
$string['selectstudent_btn'] = "View student plans";
$string['selectstudent'] = "Choose student";
$string['selectstudent_details'] = "Pick a student from the list below to see their progress in this studyplan";
$string['showoverview'] = "Teacher view";
$string['open'] = "Open";
$string['noenddate'] = "Ongoing";
$string['back'] = "Back";
$string['send'] = "Send";
$string['setting_aggregation_heading'] = "Goal aggregation settings";
$string['settingdesc_aggregation_heading'] = "Configure how completing goals is processed into completing a module";
$string['setting_aggregation_mode'] = "Default aggregation style";
$string['settingdesc_aggregation_mode'] = "Choose a default aggregation style for new study plans";
$string['tristate_aggregator_title'] = 'Manual: Progress/Completed/Excellent Classic';
$string['tristate_aggregator_desc'] = 'Goals are graded progress, completed and excellent. Modules can be configured to require a specific amount of completed goals';
$string['bistate_aggregator_title'] = 'Manual: Completed + Required goals';
$string['bistate_aggregator_desc'] = 'Goals are completed or not (e.g. not started, in progress or failed). Required goals for completion are supported. Studyplans configure how many attained goals result in a completed, good or excellent module score';
$string['core_aggregator_title'] = 'Moodle course completion';
$string['core_aggregator_desc'] = 'Use Moodle core completion';
$string['setting_bistate_heading'] = 'Defaults for Completed + Required goalsn';
$string['settingdesc_bistate_heading'] = 'Set the defaults for this aggregation method';
$string['choose_aggregation_style'] = 'Choose aggregation style';
$string['select_scaleitem'] = 'Choose...';
$string['setting_bistate_thresh_excellent'] = 'Threshold for excellent';
$string['settingdesc_bistate_thresh_excellent'] = 'Minimum percentage of goals completed for result "Excellent"';
$string['setting_bistate_thresh_good'] = 'Threshold for good';
$string['settingdesc_bistate_thresh_good'] = 'Minimum percentage of goals completed for result "Good"';
$string['setting_bistate_thresh_completed'] = 'Threshold for completed';
$string['settingdesc_bistate_thresh_completed'] = 'Minimum percentage of goals completed for result "Completed"';
$string['setting_bistate_support_failed'] = 'Support "Failed" result';
$string['settingdesc_bistate_support_failed'] = 'Whether the result "Failed" is supported or not';
$string['setting_bistate_thresh_progress'] = 'Threshold for progress';
$string['settingdesc_bistate_thresh_progress'] = 'Minimum percentage of goals that should not be failed in order to qualify for progress resullt. <br><strong>Only relevant if "Failed" results are supported</strong>';
$string['setting_bistate_accept_pending_submitted'] = 'Accept submitted but ungraded result as "progress"';
$string['settingdesc_bistate_accept_pending_submitted'] = 'If enabled, submitted but ungraded goals will still count toward progress. If disabled, only graded goals will count';
$string['grade_include'] = "Include";
$string['grade_require'] = "Require";
$string['required_goal'] = "Required goal";
$string['advanced_tools'] = 'Advanced';
$string['confirm_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['confirm_ok'] = 'Confirm';
$string['advanced_converted'] = 'converted';
$string['advanced_skipped'] = 'skipped';
$string['advanced_failed'] = 'failed';
$string['advanced_locked'] = 'locked';
$string['advanced_multiple'] = 'multiple';
$string['advanced_error'] = 'error';
$string['advanced_tools_heading'] = 'Advanced tools';
$string['advanced_warning_title'] = 'Warning';
$string['advanced_warning'] = 'These advanced tools should be used with the utmost care. Make sure you know what you are doing when using them';
$string['advanced_pick_scale'] = 'Pick scale';
$string['advanced_force_scale_title'] = 'Force scales';
$string['advanced_force_scale_desc'] = 'Change all gradable goals associated with this studyplan to scale grading with the selected scale. This will only affect gradables that do not already have grades.';
$string['advanced_force_scale_button'] = 'Apply';
$string['advanced_confirm_header'] = 'Are you sure';
$string['advanced_force_scale_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to set all associated gradables to this scale?';
$string["advanced_import_export"] = 'Backup and restore';
$string["advanced_import"] = 'Restore studylines from backup';
$string["advanced_export"] = 'Backup studyplan';
$string["advanced_export_csv"] = 'Export as CSV';
$string["advanced_import_from_file"] = "Open from file";
$string["advanced_purge"] = "Delete";
$string["advanced_purge_expl"] = "Delete the entire studyplan. This is not recoverable";
$string["advanced_course_manipulation_title"] = 'Course manipulation';
$string["advanced_disable_autoenddate_title"] = 'Disable automatic end date';
$string["advanced_disable_autoenddate_desc"] = 'Disable the default on automatic end date function weekly topics have set in all courses in the studyplan';
$string["advanced_disable_autoenddate_button"] = 'Disable';
$string["myreport_teachermode"] = 'Studyplans I am teaching';
$string["aggregation_overall_all"] = "Complete all of the categories";
$string["aggregation_overall_any"] = "Complete one or more of the categories";
$string["aggregation_all"] = "Complete all";
$string["aggregation_any"] = "Complete one or more";
$string["share_badge"] = "Share badge";
$string["dateissued"] = "Issued on";
$string["dateexpire"] = "Expires on";
$string["badgeinfo"] = "Badge details";
$string["badgeissuedstats"] = "Issuing progress";