2024-06-02 19:23:40 +02:00

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// This file is part of the Studyplan plugin for Moodle
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Aggregate course results based on failed/completed states for grades
* @package local_treestudyplan
* @copyright 2023 P.M. Kuipers
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace local_treestudyplan\local\aggregators;
use local_treestudyplan\courseinfo;
use local_treestudyplan\gradeinfo;
use local_treestudyplan\studyitem;
use local_treestudyplan\completion;
* Aggregate course results based on failed/completed states for grades
class bistate_aggregator extends \local_treestudyplan\aggregator {
/** @var bool */
public const DEPRECATED = false;
/** @var stdClass */
private $agcfg = null;
* Retrieve or initialize current config object
* @return stdClass
private function cfg() {
if (empty($this->agcfg)) {
$this->agcfg = (object)[
'thresh_excellent' => 1.0, // Minimum fraction that must be completed to aggregate as excellent (usually 1.0).
'thresh_good' => 0.8, // Minimum fraction that must be completed to aggregate as good.
'thresh_completed' => 0.66, // Minimum fraction that must be completed to aggregate as completed.
'use_failed' => true, // Support failed completion yes/no.
'thresh_progress' => 0.33, // Deprecated!
'accept_pending_as_submitted' => false, // Also count ungraded but submitted .
return $this->agcfg;
* Create new instance of aggregation method
* @param string $configstr Aggregation configuration string
public function __construct($configstr) {
// Allow public constructor for testing purposes.
* Initialize the aggregation method
* @param string $configstr Aggregation configuration string
protected function initialize($configstr) {
// First initialize with the defaults.
foreach (["thresh_excellent", "thresh_good", "thresh_completed", "thresh_progress" ] as $key) {
$val = intval(get_config('local_treestudyplan', "bistate_{$key}"));
if ($val >= 0 && $val <= 100) {
$this->cfg()->$key = floatval($val) / 100;
foreach (["use_failed", "accept_pending_as_submitted"] as $key) {
$this->cfg()->$key = boolval(get_config('local_treestudyplan', "bistate_{$key}"));
// Next, decode json.
$config = \json_decode($configstr, true);
if (is_array($config)) {
// Copy all valid config settings to this item.
foreach (["thresh_excellent", "thresh_good", "thresh_completed", "thresh_progress" ] as $key) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $config)) {
$val = $config[$key];
if ($val >= 0 && $val <= 100) {
$this->cfg()->$key = floatval($val) / 100;
foreach (["use_failed", "accept_pending_as_submitted"] as $key) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $config)) {
$this->cfg()->$key = boolval($config[$key]);
* Return the current configuration string.
* @return string Configuration string
public function config_string() {
return json_encode([
"thresh_excellent" => 100 * $this->cfg()->thresh_excellent,
"thresh_good" => 100 * $this->cfg()->thresh_good,
"thresh_completed" => 100 * $this->cfg()->thresh_completed,
"thresh_progress" => 100 * $this->cfg()->thresh_progress,
"use_failed" => $this->cfg()->use_failed,
"accept_pending_as_submitted" => $this->cfg()->accept_pending_as_submitted,
* Determine if aggregation method wants to select gradables
* @return bool True if aggregation method needs gradables to be selected
public function select_gradables() {
return true;
* Determine if aggregation method is deprecated
* @return bool True if aggregation method is deprecated
public function deprecated() {
return self::DEPRECATED;
* Determine if the aggregation method uses manual activity selection,
* @return bool True if the aggregation method uses manual activity selection
public function use_manualactivityselection() {
return true;
* Determine if Aggregation method makes use of "required grades" in a course/module.
* @return bool True if Aggregation method makes use of "required grades" in a course/module.
public function use_required_grades() {
return true;
* Aggregate completed/failed goals into one outcome
* @param int[] $completions List of completions (completion class constants)
* @param array $required List of completions indexes that are marked as required
* @return int Aggregated completion as completion class constant
public function aggregate_binary_goals(array $completions, array $required = []) {
// Function is public to allow access for the testing code.
// Return te following conditions.
// Possible states:.
// - completion::EXCELLENT - At least $threshexcellent fraction of goals are complete and all required goals are met.
// - completion::GOOD - At least $threshgood fraction of goals are complete and all required goals are met.
// - completion::COMPLETED - At least $threshcomplete fraction of goals are completed and all required goals are met.
// - completion::FAILED - At least $threshprogress fraction of goals is not failed.
// - completion::INCOMPLETE - No goals have been started.
// - completion::PROGRESS - All other states.
$total = count($completions);
$completed = 0;
$progress = 0;
$failed = 0;
$started = 0;
$totalrequired = 0;
$requiredmet = 0;
$minprogress = ($this->cfg()->accept_pending_as_submitted) ? completion : :PENDING : completion::PROGRESS;
foreach ($completions as $index => $c) {
$completed += ($c >= completion::COMPLETED) ? 1 : 0;
$progress += ($c >= $minprogress) ? 1 : 0;
$failed += ($c <= completion::FAILED) ? 1 : 0;
if (in_array($index, $required)) {
// Not using count($required) to prevent nonexistant indices in the required list from messing things up.
$totalrequired += 1;
if ($c >= completion::COMPLETED) {
$requiredmet += 1;
$started = $progress + $failed;
$allrequiredmet = ($requiredmet >= $totalrequired);
$fractioncompleted = ($total > 0) ? (floatval($completed) / floatval($total)): 0.0;
$fractionprogress = ($total > 0) ? (floatval($progress) / floatval($total)): 0.0;
$fractionfailed = ($total > 0) ? (floatval($failed) / floatval($total)): 0.0;
$fractionstarted = ($total > 0) ? (floatval($started) / floatval($total)): 0.0;
if ($total == 0) {
return completion::INCOMPLETE;
if ($fractioncompleted >= $this->cfg()->thresh_excellent && $allrequiredmet) {
return completion::EXCELLENT;
} else if ($fractioncompleted >= $this->cfg()->thresh_good && $allrequiredmet) {
return completion::GOOD;
} else if ($fractioncompleted >= $this->cfg()->thresh_completed && $allrequiredmet) {
return completion::COMPLETED;
} else if ($started == 0) {
return completion::INCOMPLETE;
} else {
return completion::PROGRESS;
* Aggregate all completions in a course into one final course completion
* Possible states:
* completion::EXCELLENT - Completed with excellent results
* completion::GOOD - Completed with good results
* completion::COMPLETED - Completed
* completion::PROGRESS - Started, but not completed yey
* completion::FAILED - Failed
* completion::INCOMPLETE - Not yet started
* @param courseinfo $courseinfo Courseinfo object for the course to check
* @param studyitem $studyitem Studyitem object for the course to check
* @param int $userid Id of user to check this course for
* @return int Aggregated completion as completion class constant
public function aggregate_course(courseinfo $courseinfo, studyitem $studyitem, $userid) {
$course = $courseinfo->course();
$coursefinished = ($course->enddate) ? ($course->enddate < time()): false;
// Note: studyitem condition config is not used in this aggregator.
// Loop through all associated gradables and count the totals, completed, etc..
$completions = [];
$required = [];
foreach (gradeinfo::list_studyitem_gradables($studyitem) as $gi) {
$completions[] = $this->grade_completion($gi, $userid);
if ($gi->is_required()) {
// If it's a required grade .
// Also add it's index in the completion list to the list of required grades .
$required[] = count($completions) - 1;
// Combine the aquired completions into one.
$result = self::aggregate_binary_goals($completions, $required);
if ($this->cfg()->use_failed && $result == completion::PROGRESS && $coursefinished) {
return completion::FAILED;
} else {
return $result;
* Aggregate juncton/filter inputs into one final junction outcome
* @param int[] $completion List of completion inputs
* @param studyitem $studyitem Studyitem object for the junction
* @param int $userid Id of user to check completion for
* @return int Aggregated completion as completion class constant
public function aggregate_junction(array $completion, studyitem $studyitem, $userid = 0) {
// Aggregate multiple incoming states into one junction or finish.
// Possible states:.
// - completion::EXCELLENT - All incoming states are excellent.
// - completion::GOOD - All incoming states are at least good.
// - completion::COMPLETED - All incoming states are at least completed.
// - completion::FAILED - All incoming states are failed.
// - completion::INCOMPLETE - All incoming states are incomplete.
// - completion::PROGRESS - All other states.
$method = strtoupper($studyitem->conditions()); // One of ANY or ALL.
// First count all states.
$statecount = completion::count_states($completion);
$total = count($completion);
if ($method == "ANY") {
if ( $statecount[completion::EXCELLENT] >= 1 ) {
return completion::EXCELLENT;
} else if ( $statecount[completion::GOOD] >= 1 ) {
return completion::GOOD;
} else if ( $statecount[completion::COMPLETED] >= 1 ) {
return completion::COMPLETED;
} else if ( $statecount[completion::PROGRESS] >= 1 ) {
return completion::PROGRESS;
} else if ( $statecount[completion::FAILED] >= 1) {
return completion::FAILED;
} else {
return completion::INCOMPLETE;
} else { /* default value of ALL */
if ( $total == $statecount[completion::EXCELLENT]) {
return completion::EXCELLENT;
} else if ( $total == ( $statecount[completion::EXCELLENT]
+ $statecount[completion::GOOD]) ) {
return completion::GOOD;
} else if ( $total == ( $statecount[completion::EXCELLENT]
+ $statecount[completion::GOOD]
+ $statecount[completion::COMPLETED]) ) {
return completion::COMPLETED;
} else if ( $statecount[completion::FAILED]) {
return completion::FAILED;
} else if ( $total == $statecount[completion::INCOMPLETE]) {
return completion::INCOMPLETE;
} else {
return completion::PROGRESS;
* Determine completion for a single grade and user
* @param gradeinfo $gradeinfo Gradeinfo object for grade to check
* @param mixed $userid Id of user to check completion for
* @return int Aggregated completion as completion class constant
public function grade_completion(gradeinfo $gradeinfo, $userid) {
global $DB;
$table = "local_treestudyplan_gradecfg";
$gradeitem = $gradeinfo->get_gradeitem();
$grade = $gradeitem->get_final($userid);
$course = \get_course($gradeitem->courseid); // Fetch course from cache.
$coursefinished = ($course->enddate) ? ($course->enddate < time()): false;
if (empty($grade)) {
return completion::INCOMPLETE;
} else if ($grade->finalgrade === null) {
// On assignments, grade NULL means a submission has not yet been graded, .
// But on quizes this can also mean a quiz might have been started.
// Therefor, we treat a NULL result as a reason to check the relevant gradingscanner for presence of pending items.
// Since we want old results to be visible until a pending item was graded, we only use this state here.
// Pending items are otherwise expressly indicated by the "pendingsubmission" field in the user model.
if ($gradeinfo->get_gradingscanner()->pending($userid)) {
return completion::PENDING;
} else {
return completion::INCOMPLETE;
} else {
$grade = $gradeitem->get_final($userid);
// First determine if we have a grade_config for this scale or this maximum grade.
$finalgrade = $grade->finalgrade;
$scale = $gradeinfo->get_scale();
if ( isset($scale)) {
$gradecfg = $DB->get_record($table, ["scale_id" => $scale->id]);
} else if ($gradeitem->grademin == 0) {
$gradecfg = $DB->get_record($table, ["grade_points" => $gradeitem->grademax]);
} else {
$gradecfg = null;
// For point grades, a provided grade pass overrides the defaults in the gradeconfig.
// For scales, the configuration in the gradeconfig is leading.
if ($gradecfg && (isset($scale) || $gradeitem->gradepass == 0)) {
// If so, we need to know if the grade is .
if ($finalgrade >= $gradecfg->min_completed) {
// Return completed if completed.
return completion::COMPLETED;
} else if ($this->cfg()->use_failed && $coursefinished) {
// Return failed if failed is enabled and the grade is less than the minimum grade for progress.
return completion::FAILED;
} else {
return completion::PROGRESS;
} else if ($gradeitem->gradepass > 0) {
$range = floatval($gradeitem->grademax - $gradeitem->grademin);
// If no gradeconfig and gradepass is set, use that one to determine config.
if ($finalgrade >= $gradeitem->gradepass) {
return completion::COMPLETED;
} else if ($this->cfg()->use_failed && $coursefinished) {
// Return failed if failed is enabled and the grade is 1, while there are at leas 3 states.
return completion::FAILED;
} else {
return completion::PROGRESS;
} else {
// Blind assumptions if nothing is provided.
// Over 55% of range is completed.
// If range >= 3 and failed is enabled, assume that this means failed.
$g = floatval($finalgrade - $gradeitem->grademin);
$range = floatval($gradeitem->grademax - $gradeitem->grademin);
$score = $g / $range;
if ($score > 0.55) {
return completion::COMPLETED;
} else if ($this->use_failed && $coursefinished) {
// Return failed if failed is enabled and the grade is 1, while there are at leas 3 states.
return completion::FAILED;
} else {
return completion::PROGRESS;