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2024-11-01 12:56:41 +01:00

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// This file is part of the Study plan plugin for Moodle
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* English language file
* @package local_treestudyplan
* @copyright 2023 P.M. Kuipers
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string["pluginname"] = 'Study plans';
$string["privacy:metadata"] = 'This plugin stores a link between users and their associated study plans. It also needs to store an email address and user provided handle, which may be a name, to send invitations to view the study plan to whomever the user chooses by email.';
$string["privacy:metadata:invit"] = 'The currently active invitations to view the study plan';
$string["privacy:metadata:invit:user_id"] = 'UserID of the user who shared their study plan';
$string["privacy:metadata:invit:name"] = 'Name/Handle entered by the user for the invitations recipient';
$string["privacy:metadata:invit:email"] = 'Email address of the invitations recipient';
$string["privacy:metadata:invit:date"] = 'Date the invitation was created';
$string["privacy:metadata:user"] = 'Links between individual users and study plans';
$string["privacy:metadata:user:user_id"] = 'The UserID of the user';
$string["privacy:metadata:user:studyplan_id"] = 'The study plan';
$string["treestudyplan:editstudyplan"] = "Manage study plans";
$string["treestudyplan:configure"] = "Configure study plans";
$string["treestudyplan:viewuserreports"] = "View study plan of others";
$string["treestudyplan:forcescales"] = 'Advanced: Allow study plan manager to force assignment scales to setting (manual modes only)';
$string["treestudyplan:selectowngradables"] = 'Teachers can select gradables in their own courses in study plan view mode (manual modes only)';
$string["treestudyplan:lineunenrol"] = "Manage student registration in lines";
$string["treestudyplan:coach"] = "Available as coach";
$string["report"] = 'Progress report';
$string["report_invited"] = 'Progress report for {$a}';
$string["report_index"] = 'View student progress reports';
$string["manage_invites"] = 'Share study plan access';
$string["share_report"] = 'Share';
$string["invalid_invitekey_title"] = "Invite key required";
$string["invalid_invitekey_error"] = "You need an invitation to view data via this portal";
$string["invite_description"] = "You can invite your parents or guardians to view your results. Those who receive your sharing link can view your grades until you revoke the invite";
$string["invite_tablecaption"] = "Active invites";
$string["invite_table_empty"] = "No active invites";
$string["invite_tooltip_resend"] = "Resend invite";
$string["invite_tooltip_edit"] = "Edit invite";
$string["invite_tooltip_delete"] = "Delete invite";
$string["invite_tooltip_testlink"] = "See how your results are shown";
$string["invite_button_new"] = "New invite";
$string["invite_confirm_resend"] = 'Are your sure you want to send the invite link to {$a} again?';
$string["invite_confirm_delete"] = 'Are your sure tou want to delete/revoke the invite for {$a}?';
$string["invite_desc_new"] = "Create a new invitation";
$string["invite_desc_edit"] = "Edit an existing invitation";
$string["invite_name"] = "Name";
$string["invite_email"] = "Email";
$string["invite_date"] = "Date";
$string["invite_resent_msg"] = 'The invitation for {$a->name}<{$a->email}> has been sent';
$string["invite_mail_subject"] = 'Shared grade card of {$a->sender}';
$string["invite_mail_text"] = '
<p>Dear {$a->invitee}, </p>
<p>I\'d like to invite you to view my study plan and progess.</p>
<p>The link below gives you access at any time to view the most recent results. Feel free to bookmark this link in your browser.</p>
<p>Click the link below to view the study plan:<br>
<a href="{$a->link}">{$a->link}</a></p>
<p>Kind regards, <br>
$string["view_plan"] = 'View study plans';
$string["edit_plan"] = 'Edit study plan';
$string["coaching_plans"] = "Coaching study plans";
$string["settingspage"] = 'Study plan settings';
$string["setting_navigation_heading"] = 'Navigation';
$string["settingdesc_navigation_heading"] = 'Navigation menu configuration.';
$string["setting_primary_nav_autofill"] = 'Automatically fill <i>custom menu items</i>';
$string["settingdesc_primary_nav_autofill"] = 'To show the studyplan links in the primary navigation menu (especially in moodle 4.x), lines have to be added to the setting <b>Appearance</b>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<b>Theme&nbsp;settings</b>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<b>Custom&nbsp;menu&nbsp;items</b>.<br>Disable this feature here if you do not want this, e.g. if your theme (up to moodle 3.11) uses flat navigation.';
$string["setting_defaulticon"] = 'Default studyplan image';
$string["settingdesc_defaulticon"] = 'Configure default image to show for a study plans if no specific image is set.';
$string["settingspage_csync"] = 'Synchronize linked cohorts and users to courses';
$string["setting_csync_heading"] = 'Automatically create a cohort sync in all courses linked to a study plan for all cohorts linked to a study plan.';
$string["settingdesc_csync_heading"] = '';
$string["setting_csync_enable_field"] = 'Automatic cohort sync';
$string["settingdesc_csync_enable_field"] = 'Enable automatic cohort sync.';
$string["setting_csync_autoremove_field"] = 'Automatic deletion';
$string["settingdesc_csync_autoremove_field"] = 'Delete synchronization from courses once a cohort is removed from the study plan.';
$string["setting_csync_creategroup_field"] = 'Create groups';
$string["settingdesc_csync_creategroup_field"] = 'Create a group in the course for each cohort sync.';
$string["setting_csync_role_field"] = 'Role';
$string["settingdesc_csync_role_field"] = 'The role to use for automatic cohort sync enrollment created in courses.';
$string["setting_csync_remember_manual_csync_field"] = 'Remember existing cohort-syncs';
$string["settingdesc_csync_remember_manual_csync_field"] = 'Mark cohort syncs that were manually created earlier, so they won\'t be removed during auto sync if cohorts are removed from the study plan.';
$string["setting_csync_users_field"] = 'Enroll linked users';
$string["settingdesc_csync_users_field"] = 'Also enrol all users that are explicitly linked to a study plan in that study plan\'s courses.';
$string["setting_display_heading"] = 'Display';
$string["settingdesc_display_heading"] = 'Study plan display settings.';
$string["setting_display_field"] = 'Course display name';
$string["settingdesc_display_field"] = 'Select the field to use for the display name of a course in the study plan.';
$string["setting_enableplansharing"] = 'Enable sharing of study plan';
$string["settingdesc_enableplansharing"] = 'Allow students to share access to the study plan with others through a unique link.';
$string["setting_limitcourselist"] = 'Limit course list to study plan category';
$string["settingdesc_limitcourselist"] = 'Limit the list of available courses for a study plan to the category the studyplan is located in.';
$string["setting_enablecoach"] = 'Enable coach role';
$string["settingdesc_enablecoach"] = 'The coach role allows one coach specific access to one study plan with limited access to modify it.';
$string["setting_timelessperiods"] = 'Timeless periods and pages';
$string["settingdesc_timelessperiods"] = 'Do not include timing info in periods or pages.';
$string["setting_courseprogressbar"] = 'Show progress bar in course';
$string["settingdesc_courseprogressbar"] = 'Show a progress bar in the course pop-up.';
$string["setting_infofields_heading"] = 'Extra course information fields';
$string["settingdesc_infofields_heading"] = 'Select up to 5 fields or custom fields to add to the course pop-up.';
$string["setting_hivizdropslots"] = 'High visibility drop fields';
$string["settingdesc_hivizdropslots"] = 'Give the drop fields when editing a study plan extra visibility.';
$string["setting_toolboxleft"] = 'Toolbar left side by default';
$string["settingdesc_toolboxleft"] = 'Show the course and component toolbar on the left by default, instead of the right side of the screen.';
$string["setting_toolboxcoursesonly"] = 'Show only the courses in the toolbox';
$string["settingdesc_toolboxcoursesonly"] = 'Hide the badges and flow tabs in the toolbox and show only the courses.';
$string["setting_showprevnextarrows"] = 'Show arrows next to student selector dropdowns';
$string["settingdesc_showprevnextarrows"] = 'Show arrows for previous and next student in the student selector in coach and view mode.';
$string["drophere"] = "Drop here";
$string["infofield_position_above"] = 'Above course results';
$string["infofield_position_below"] = 'Below course results';
$string["infofield_position_header"] = 'Header ';
$string["infofield_position_footer"] = 'Footer';
$string["setting_infofield1_field"] = 'Add course details from field (1)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield1_field"] = 'Information field to show';
$string["setting_infofield1_title"] = 'Title for course details from field (1).';
$string["settingdesc_infofield1_title"] = 'Title for course info field. One line per language. End with "|<langcode>" to localize. Leave empty to set no title';
$string["setting_infofield1_position"] = 'Position of course info field (1)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield1_position"] = 'Where to place this info field in the course pop-up screen';
$string["setting_infofield2_field"] = 'Add course details from field (2)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield2_field"] = 'Information field to show';
$string["setting_infofield2_title"] = 'Title for course details from field (2).';
$string["settingdesc_infofield2_title"] = 'Title for course info field. One line per language. End with "|<langcode>" to localize. Leave empty to set no title';
$string["setting_infofield2_position"] = 'Position of course info field (2)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield2_position"] = 'Where to place this info field in the course pop-up screen';
$string["setting_infofield3_field"] = 'Add course details from field (3)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield3_field"] = 'Information field to show';
$string["setting_infofield3_title"] = 'Title for course details from field (3).';
$string["settingdesc_infofield3_title"] = 'Title for course info field. One line per language. End with "|<langcode>" to localize. Leave empty to set no title';
$string["setting_infofield3_position"] = 'Position of course info field (3)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield3_position"] = 'Where to place this info field in the course pop-up screen';
$string["setting_infofield4_field"] = 'Add course details from field (4)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield4_field"] = 'Information field to show';
$string["setting_infofield4_title"] = 'Title for course details from field (4).';
$string["settingdesc_infofield4_title"] = 'Title for course info field. One line per language. End with "|<langcode>" to localize. Leave empty to set no title';
$string["setting_infofield4_position"] = 'Position of course info field (4)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield4_position"] = 'Where to place this info field in the course pop-up screen';
$string["setting_infofield5_field"] = 'Add course details from field (5)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield5_field"] = 'Information field to show';
$string["setting_infofield5_title"] = 'Title for course details from field (5).';
$string["settingdesc_infofield5_title"] = 'Title for course info field. One line per language. End with "|<langcode>" to localize. Leave empty to set no title';
$string["setting_infofield5_position"] = 'Position of course info field (5)';
$string["settingdesc_infofield5_position"] = 'Where to place this info field in the course pop-up screen';
$string["autocohortsync_name"] = 'Study plan automatic cohort sync cascading';
$string["refreshteacherlist_name"] = "Refresh teacher's study plan list";
$string["cleanup_name"] = "Regular maintenance tasks for study plans";
$string["no_form_data"] = "The provided information was incorrect. Likely you uploaded an icon in an unsupported format. Please check your input data and try again.";
$string["studyplan_add"] = 'Add study plan';
$string["studyplan_edit"] = 'Edit study plan';
$string["studyplan_remove"] = 'Remove study plan';
$string["studyplan_confirm_remove"] = 'Are you sure you want to remove study plan page {$a}?';
$string["studyplanpage"] = 'Study plan page';
$string["studyplanpage_add"] = 'Add study plan page';
$string["studyplanpage_edit"] = 'Edit study plan page';
$string["studyplanpage_remove"] = 'Remove study plan page';
$string["studyplanpage_info_periodsextended"] = 'Warning: You have added periods to the study plan page. These new periods have automatically generated timespans that may lie outside of this pages designated end time. Please verify the correct start and end times for each period.';
$string["studyplanpage_confirm_remove"] = 'Are you sure you want to remove study plan page {$a}?';
$string["studyplan_duration"] = 'Duration';
$string["studyplan_name"] = 'Full name';
$string["studyplan_name_ph"] = '';
$string["studyplan_icon"] = "Image for this studyplan";
$string["studyplan_context"] = 'Category';
$string["studyplan_shortname"] = 'Short name';
$string["studyplan_shortname_ph"] = '';
$string["studyplan_idnumber"] = 'ID Number';
$string["studyplan_idnumber_ph"] = '';
$string["studyplan_description"] = 'Description';
$string["studyplan_description_ph"] = '';
$string["studyplan_details"] = 'About';
$string["studyplan_slots"] = 'Number of columns in plan';
$string["studyplan_periods"] = 'Number of periods in plan';
$string["studyplan_startdate"] = 'Start date of plan';
$string["studyplan_enddate"] = 'End date of plan';
$string["studyplan_noneselected"] = "Pick a study plan to start editing";
$string["studyplan_select"] = "Study plan:";
$string["studyplan_select_placeholder"] = "Select study plan";
$string["studyplan_suspend"] = 'Suspend study plan';
$string["studyplan_suspend_details"] = 'Suspend studyplan for all except studyplan managers';
$string["studyplan_fromtemplate"] = 'Based on template';
$string["studyplan_template"] = 'Mark as template';
$string["studyplan_template_details"] = 'Mark this studyplan as a possible template for new studyplans';
$string["studyplan_emptytemplate"] = "Empty study plan";
$string["studyline_add"] = 'Add study line';
$string["studyline_edit"] = 'Edit study line';
$string["studyline_editmode"] = 'Edit study lines';
$string["toolbox_toggle"] = 'Insert components and courses';
$string["studyline_remove"] = 'Remove study line';
$string["studyline_confirm_remove"] = 'Are you sure you want to remove study line {$a}?';
$string["studyline_name"] = 'Full name';
$string["studyline_name_ph"] = '';
$string["studyline_shortname"] = 'Short name';
$string["studyline_shortname_ph"] = '';
$string["studyline_color"] = 'Background color';
$string["studyline_enrollable"] = 'Registration';
$string["studyline_enrolroles"] = 'Allowed roles';
$string["default_line_name"] = 'Courses';
$string["default_line_shortname"] = 'Courses';
$string["studyitem_confirm_remove"] = 'Are you sure you want to remove module {$a}?';
$string["editmode_modules_hidden"] = 'Modules hidden in edit mode';
$string["toolbox"] = 'Components';
$string["flow"] = 'Flow';
$string["toolbar-right"] = 'Show this bar at the right';
$string["tool-junction"] = 'Junction';
$string["tool-start"] = 'Start/continue';
$string["tool-finish"] = 'Finish';
$string["tool-badge"] = 'Badge';
$string["course-invalid"] = "Error";
$string["badges"] = 'Badges';
$string["item_configuration"] = "Configure study item";
$string["select_conditions"] = 'Completion condition';
$string["condition_default"] = 'Default for this item';
$string["condition_all"] = 'All entries need to be completed';
$string["condition_67"] = '2/3 of entries need to be completed';
$string["condition_50"] = 'Half of entries need to be completed';
$string["condition_any"] = 'One or more entries need to be completed';
$string["courses"] = 'Courses';
$string["select_grades"] = 'Grades included in report';
$string["configure_competency"] = "Configure course competencies";
$string["competency_not_configured"] = "Course competencies have not yet been configured.";
$string["configure_completion"] = "Configure course completion";
$string["completion_not_configured"] = "Course completion has not yet been configured.";
$string["completion_failed"] = "Failed";
$string["completion_incomplete"] = "Not started";
$string["completion_pending"] = "Pending review";
$string["completion_progress"] = "In progress";
$string["completion_completed"] = "Completed";
$string["completion_good"] = "Good";
$string["completion_excellent"] = "Excellent";
$string["completion_passed"] = "Passed";
$string["completion_incomplete_badge"] = "Not issued";
$string["completion_completed_badge"] = "Issued";
$string["incomplete"] = 'Not started';
$string["completed"] = 'Completed';
$string["completed_pass"] = 'Passed';
$string["completed_fail"] = 'Failed';
$string["cfg_grades"] = 'Configure grade & scale interpretation';
$string["cfg_plans"] = 'Manage study plans';
$string["cfg_help"] = "Study plan plugin documentation";
$string["cfg_grades_desc_head"] = 'Configure how results for outcomes are presented.';
$string["cfg_grades_desc"] = '';
$string["cfg_grades_grades"] = 'Configure point grade interpretation';
$string["cfg_grades_scales"] = 'Configure scale grade interpretation';
$string["min_progress"] = 'Progression threshold';
$string["min_completed"] = 'Completion threshold';
$string["grade_points"] = 'Maximum grade points';
$string["view_feedback"] = 'View feedback';
$string["coursetiming_past"] = "Past course";
$string["coursetiming_present"] = "Current course";
$string["coursetiming_future"] = "Upcoming course";
$string["studyplan_past"] = "Past study plans";
$string["studyplan_present"] = "Current study plans";
$string["studyplan_future"] = "Upcoming study plans";
$string["link_myreport"] = "My study plan";
$string["link_viewplan"] = "Study plans";
$string["link_editplan"] = "Manage study plans";
$string["link_coach"] = "Coaching studyplans";
$string["nav_invited"] = "View study plan by invitation";
$string["associations"] = 'Associations';
$string["associated_cohorts"] = 'Linked cohorts';
$string["associated_users"] = 'Linked users';
$string["associated_coaches"] = 'Linked coaches';
$string["associate_cohorts"] = 'Search cohorts to add';
$string["associate_users"] = 'Search users to add';
$string["associate_coaches"] = 'Search coaches to add';
$string["add_association"] = 'Add';
$string["delete_association"] = 'Delete';
$string["associations_empty"] = 'No active associations';
$string["associations_search"] = 'Search';
$string["users"] = 'Users';
$string["cohorts"] = 'Cohorts';
$string["coaches"] = 'Coaches';
$string["selected"] = 'Select';
$string["name"] = 'Name';
$string["context"] = 'Category';
$string["search"] = "Search";
$string["error"] = "Error";
$string["ungraded"] = 'Needs grading';
$string["graded"] = 'Graded';
$string["allgraded"] = 'All graded';
$string["unsubmitted"] = 'No submission';
$string["nogrades"] = 'No grades';
$string["unknown"] = 'Grading status unknown';
$string["when"] = "when";
$string["selectstudent_btn"] = "Select view";
$string["selectstudent"] = "Choose student";
$string["selectstudent_details"] = "Pick a student from the list below to see their progress in this study plan";
$string["showoverview"] = "Teacher view";
$string["coacheditmode"] = "Edit content";
$string["open"] = "Open";
$string["noenddate"] = "Ongoing";
$string["back"] = "Back";
$string["send"] = "Send";
$string["setting_aggregation_heading"] = "Outcome aggregation settings";
$string["settingdesc_aggregation_heading"] = "Configure how completing outcomes is processed into completing a module";
$string["setting_aggregation_mode"] = "Default aggregation style";
$string["settingdesc_aggregation_mode"] = "Choose a default aggregation style for new study plans";
$string["tristate_aggregator_title"] = 'Manual: Progress/Completed/Excellent Classic';
$string["tristate_aggregator_desc"] = 'Outcomes are graded progress, completed and excellent. Modules can be configured to require a specific amount of completed outcomes';
$string["bistate_aggregator_title"] = 'Manual: Completed + Required outcomes';
$string["bistate_aggregator_desc"] = 'Outcomes are completed or not (e.g. not started, in progress or failed). Required outcomes for completion are supported. You can configure for each study plan how many attained outcomes result in a completed, good or excellent module score';
$string["core_aggregator_title"] = 'Moodle course completion';
$string["core_aggregator_desc"] = 'Use Moodle core completion';
$string["competency_aggregator_title"] = 'Course competencies';
$string["competency_aggregator_desc"] = 'Use the competencies linekd to the course';
$string["setting_bistate_heading"] = 'Defaults for Completed + Required outcomes';
$string["settingdesc_bistate_heading"] = 'Set the defaults for this aggregation method';
$string["choose_aggregation_style"] = 'Choose aggregation style';
$string["select_scaleitem"] = 'Choose...';
$string["setting_bistate_thresh_excellent"] = 'Threshold for excellent (%)';
$string["settingdesc_bistate_thresh_excellent"] = 'Minimum percentage of outcomes completed for result "Excellent"';
$string["setting_bistate_thresh_good"] = 'Threshold for good (%)';
$string["settingdesc_bistate_thresh_good"] = 'Minimum percentage of outcomes completed for result "Good"';
$string["setting_bistate_thresh_completed"] = 'Threshold for completed (%)';
$string["settingdesc_bistate_thresh_completed"] = 'Minimum percentage of outcomes completed for result "Completed"';
$string["setting_bistate_support_failed"] = 'Support "Failed" result';
$string["settingdesc_bistate_support_failed"] = 'When the course end date has passed, mark course as "Failed" instead of "Progress"';
$string["setting_bistate_thresh_progress"] = 'Threshold for progress (%)';
$string["settingdesc_bistate_thresh_progress"] = 'Minimum percentage of outcomes that should not be failed in order to qualify for progress result. <br><strong>Only relevant if "Failed" results are supported</strong>';
$string["setting_bistate_accept_pending_submitted"] = 'Accept submitted but ungraded result as "progress"';
$string["settingdesc_bistate_accept_pending_submitted"] = 'If enabled, submitted but ungraded outcomes will still count toward progress. If disabled, only graded outcomes will count';
$string["setting_competency_displayname"] = 'Competency display title';
$string["settingdesc_competency_displayname"] = 'The competency field used as it\'s title in the studyplan';
$string["setting_competency_detailfield"] = 'Competency detail field';
$string["settingdesc_competency_detailfield"] = 'The competency field used for competency details';
$string["setting_competency_heading"] = 'Defults for course competencies ';
$string["settingdesc_competency_heading"] = 'Set the defaults for this aggregation method';
$string["setting_competency_thresh_completed"] = 'Threshold for good (%)';
$string["settingdesc_competency_thresh_completed"] = 'Minimum percentage of proficient competencies for result "Completed';
$string["setting_competency_support_failed"] = 'Support "Failed" result';
$string["settingdesc_competency_support_failed"] = 'When the course end date has passed, mark course as "Failed" instead of "Progress"';
$string["setting_copystudylinesnewpage"] = 'Copy study lines of last page to new page';
$string["settingdesc_copystudylinesnewpage"] = 'When creating a new page, fill it with an empty copy of the study lines from the last page.';
$string["setting_continueperiodnumberingnewpage"] = 'Continue periode numbering on new page';
$string["settingdesc_continueperiodnumberingnewpage"] = 'When creating a new page, the default name of the periods will continue the existing sequence (e.g. P5, P6, P7, P8) instead of starting a new sequence (P1, P2, P3, P4)';
$string["grade_include"] = 'Include';
$string["grade_require"] = 'Require';
$string["required_goal"] = 'Required outcome';
$string["required"] = 'Required';
$string["competency_heading"] = 'Competency';
$string["competency_details"] = 'Details';
$string["results"] = 'Results';
$string["unrated"] = 'Unrated';
$string["advanced_tools"] = 'Advanced';
$string["confirm_cancel"] = 'Cancel';
$string["confirm_ok"] = 'Confirm';
$string["advanced_converted"] = 'converted';
$string["advanced_skipped"] = 'skipped';
$string["advanced_failed"] = 'failed';
$string["advanced_locked"] = 'locked';
$string["advanced_multiple"] = 'multiple';
$string["advanced_error"] = 'error';
$string["advanced_tools_heading"] = 'Advanced tools';
$string["advanced_warning_title"] = 'Warning';
$string["advanced_warning"] = 'These advanced tools should be used with the utmost care. Make sure you know what you are doing when using them';
$string["advanced_pick_scale"] = 'Pick scale';
$string["advanced_force_scale_title"] = 'Force scales';
$string["advanced_force_scale_desc"] = 'Change all gradable outcomes associated with this study plan to scale grading with the selected scale. This will only affect gradable\'s that do not already have grades.';
$string["advanced_force_scale_button"] = 'Apply';
$string["advanced_confirm_header"] = 'Are you sure';
$string["advanced_force_scale_confirm"] = 'Are you sure you want to set all associated gradable\'s to this scale?';
$string["advanced_backup_restore"] = 'Backup and restore';
$string["advanced_restore"] = 'Restore from file';
$string["advanced_backup"] = 'Backup to file';
$string["advanced_restore_pages"] = 'Import pages from a studyplan backup';
$string["advanced_restore_lines"] = 'Import content from a studyplan page backup';
$string["advanced_backup_plan"] = 'Backup studyplan';
$string["advanced_backup_page"] = 'Backup active studyplan page ';
$string["advanced_export"] = 'Export to file';
$string["advanced_export_csv_page"] = 'Export current page as CSV';
$string["advanced_export_csv_plan"] = 'Export studyplan CSV';
$string["advanced_import_from_file"] = "Load from file";
$string["advanced_create_from_template"] = "Create from template";
$string["advanced_purge"] = "Delete";
$string["advanced_purge_plan"] = "Delete entire study plan";
$string["advanced_purge_plan_expl"] = "Delete the entire study plan. This is not recoverable";
$string["advanced_purge_page"] = "Delete active page";
$string["advanced_purge_page_expl"] = "Delete the currently active study plan page. This is not recoverable";
$string["currentpage"] = "Currently active page:";
$string["advanced_bulk_course_timing"] = 'Sync course timing to periods';
$string["advanced_bulk_course_timing_desc"] = 'Synchronize the start and end date of all courses in the currently active studyplan page to periods in which they are placed.';
$string["advanced_cascade_cohortsync_title"] = "Cascade cohort sync";
$string["advanced_cascade_cohortsync_desc"] = "Add cohort sync enrolment to each course in this study plan for all cohorts linked to this study plan";
$string["advanced_cascade_cohortsync"] = "Cascade cohort sync";
$string["advanced_course_manipulation_title"] = 'Course manipulation';
$string["myreport_teachermode"] = 'Study plans I am teaching';
$string["aggregation_overall_all"] = "Complete all of the following to complete this course";
$string["aggregation_overall_any"] = "Complete one or more of the following to complete this course";
$string["aggregation_overall_one"] = "Complete the following to complete this course";
$string["aggregation_all"] = "Complete all ";
$string["aggregation_any"] = "Complete one or more ";
$string["aggregation_one"] = "Achieve ";
$string["share_badge"] = "Share badge";
$string["dateissued"] = "Issued on";
$string["dateexpire"] = "Expires on";
$string["badgeinfo"] = "Badge details";
$string["badgeissuedstats"] = "Issuing progress";
$string["badgedisabled"] = "This badge is currently not available";
$string["period_edit"] = 'Change period details';
$string["period_default_fullname"] = 'Period {$a}';
$string["period_default_shortname"] = 'P{$a}';
$string["course_timing_title"] = 'Course timing does not match period timing';
$string["course_timing_desc"] = 'The start and end date of the course do not match the start and end date of it\'s period(s) in the study plan.';
$string["course_timing_question"] = 'Do you want to update the course\'s start and end time to match that of the period(s)?';
$string["course_timing_warning"] = 'You do not have permission to automatically update this course start and end date. Automatic timing update not available';
$string["period"] = 'Period';
$string["periods"] = 'Periods';
$string["duration"] = 'Duration';
$string["course_timing_rememberchoice"] = 'Remember my choice for future date mismatches';
$string["course_timing_hidewarning"] = 'Hide this warning next time';
$string["course_timing_ok"] = 'Course timing matches period timing';
$string["course_timing_off"] = 'Course timing does not match period timing. Click here to correct.';
$string["course_period_span"] = 'Spans';
$string["course_period_span_desc"] = 'If the space directly after this course is free, the course can be expanded to span multiple periods.';
$string["view_completion_report"] = 'View detailed course completion report';
$string["item_delete_message"] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the {item} {name} from studyline {line} in {period}?';
$string["student_not_tracked"] = 'Not enrolled in this course';
$string["completion_not_enabled"] = 'Completion is not enabled in this course';
$string["student_from_plan_enrolled"] = 'student in this study plan is enrolled in the course';
$string["students_from_plan_enrolled"] = 'students in this study plan are enrolled in the course';
$string["not_enrolled"] = "Not enrolled";
$string["warning_incomplete_pass"] = 'The passing grade is not sufficient for completing the assignment, check the completion criteria.';
$string["warning_incomplete_nograderq"] = 'Because the grade is not marked as a requirement, your passing grade is not registering completion.';
$string["error:nosuchcompetency"] = 'Warning: This competency no longer exists';
$string["individuals"] = 'Individuals';
$string["error:cannotviewcategory"] = 'Error: You do not have access to view this category or context: {$a}';
$string["error:nostudyplanviewaccess"] = 'Error: You do not have access to view study plans in this category or context: {$a}';
$string["error:nostudyplaneditaccess"] = 'Error: You do not have access to manage study plans in this category or context: {$a}';
$string["error:nocategoriesvisible"] = 'Error: You have no viewing permissions in any category. Therefore the course list remains empty.';
$string["error:usernotassociated"] = 'Error: Requested student is not associated with this studyplan';
$string["error:coachdisabled"] = "The coach page has been disabled by the system administrator";
$string["overall"] = 'Course';
$string["studyplan_report"] = 'Studyplan result overview';
$string["overviewreport:all"] = 'Result overview';
$string["overviewreport:period"] = 'Result overview for this period';
$string["line_enrollable:0"] = 'No registration needed';
$string["line_enrollable:1"] = 'Registration by students themselves.';
$string["line_enrollable:2"] = 'Registration by user with role';
$string["line_enrollable:3"] = 'Registration by students themeselves or user with role';
$string["line_enrol"] = 'Register';
$string["line_unenrol"] = 'Unregister';
$string["line_enrolled"] = 'Registered';
$string["line_notenrolled"] = 'Not registered';
$string["line_enrol_question"] = 'Do you want to register yourself for {$a}?';
$string["line_enrol_student_question"] = 'Do you want to register {$a} in this line?';
$string["line_unenrol_student_question"] = 'Do you want to unregister {$a} from this line?';
$string["line_enrollments"] = 'Registrations';
$string["line_enrollment"] = 'Registration';
$string["line_cannot_enrol"] = 'You cannot register yourself for this line';
$string["line_can_enrol"] = 'You can register for this line';
$string["line_is_enrolled"] = 'You are registered for this line';
$string["line_enrolled_in"] = 'Registered in {$a}';
$string["suspended"] = "Suspended";
$string["no_templates"] = "There are no templates available. Mark a study plan as template to enable template based creation.";