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2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
// Sketch to draw an analogue clock on the screen
// This uses anti-aliased drawing functions that are built into TFT_eSPI
// Anti-aliased lines can be drawn with sub-pixel resolution and permit lines to be
// drawn with less jaggedness.
2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
// Requires MBed OS 2040 RAspberry pi pico board
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
// Based on a sketch by DavyLandman:
#include "MBED_RPi_Pico_TimerInterrupt.h"
#define WIFI_SSID "Your_SSID"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "Your_Password"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // Master copy here:
#include <SPI.h>
#include "NotoSansBold15.h"
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); // Invoke library, pins defined in User_Setup.h
TFT_eSprite face = TFT_eSprite(&tft);
2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
const int BtnFwd = 6;
const int BtnMode = 8;
const int BtnBack = 7;
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2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
#define CLOCK_R 240.0f / 2.0f // Clock face radius (float type)
#define H_HAND_LENGTH CLOCK_R/2.0f
#define M_HAND_LENGTH CLOCK_R/1.4f
#define S_HAND_LENGTH CLOCK_R/1.3f
#define FACE_W CLOCK_R * 2 + 1
#define FACE_H CLOCK_R * 2 + 1
// Calculate 1 second increment angles. Hours and minute hand angles
// change every second so we see smooth sub-pixel movement
#define SECOND_ANGLE 360.0 / 60.0
// Sprite width and height
#define FACE_W CLOCK_R * 2 + 1
#define FACE_H CLOCK_R * 2 + 1
2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
const int ModeNormal = 0;
const int ModeMinutes = 1;
const int ModeHours = 2;
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
// Time h:m:s
uint8_t h = 0, m = 0, s = 0;
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uint8_t mode = ModeNormal;
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
float time_secs = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s;
// Init RPI_PICO_Timer, can use any from 0-15 pseudo-hardware timers
MBED_RPI_PICO_Timer ITimer0(0);
void TimerHandler(uint alarm_num)
// Always call this for MBED RP2040 before processing ISR
// Increment time by 1000 milliseconds
time_secs += 1;
// Midnight roll-over
if (time_secs >= (60 * 60 * 24)) time_secs = 0;
// Always call this for MBED RP2040 after processing ISR
// =========================================================================
// Setup
// =========================================================================
void setup() {
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2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
// Interval in microsecs
if (ITimer0.attachInterruptInterval(1000*1000, TimerHandler)) {
Serial.print(F("Starting ITimer0 OK, millis() = ")); Serial.println(millis());
else {
Serial.println(F("Can't set ITimer0. Select another freq. or timer"));
// Initialise the screen
// Ideally set orientation for good viewing angle range because
// the anti-aliasing effectiveness varies with screen viewing angle
// Usually this is when screen ribbon connector is at the bottom
// Create the clock face sprite
//face.setColorDepth(8); // 8 bit will work, but reduces effectiveness of anti-aliasing
face.createSprite(FACE_W, FACE_H);
// Only 1 font used in the sprite, so can remain loaded
// Draw the whole clock - NTP time not available yet
// =========================================================================
// Loop
// =========================================================================
void loop() {
char time[20];
static unsigned long targetTime = millis() + 1000;
2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
static uint8_t lastMode = PinStatus::HIGH;
uint8_t val = PinStatus::HIGH;
// Update time periodically
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
if (targetTime < millis()) {
// Update next tick time in 100 milliseconds for smooth movement
targetTime = millis() + 1000;
// All graphics are drawn in sprite to stop flicker
2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
if ( mode > ModeNormal) {
if (!digitalRead(BtnFwd)) {
if ( mode == ModeHours ) {
time_secs += 60 * 60; // Add one minute
} else {
time_secs += 60; // Add one minute
// Midnight roll-over
if (time_secs >= (60 * 60 * 24)) { time_secs -= (60 * 60 * 24); }
} else if (!digitalRead(BtnBack)) {
if ( mode == ModeHours ) {
time_secs -= 60 * 60; // Add one minute
} else {
time_secs -= 60; // Add one minute
// Midnight roll-over
if (time_secs < 0 ) { time_secs += (60 * 60 * 24); }
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2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
val = digitalRead(BtnMode);
if (!val && val != lastMode) {
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2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
mode += 1;
if ( mode > 3) { mode = 0; }
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2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
lastMode = val;
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
// =========================================================================
// Draw the clock face in the sprite
// =========================================================================
static void renderFace(float t) {
char time[20];
float h_angle = t * HOUR_ANGLE;
float m_angle = t * MINUTE_ANGLE;
//float s_angle = t * SECOND_ANGLE;
long r = (unsigned long) time_secs;
int h = (int)(r/3600);
r = r%3600;
int m = (int)(r/60);
int s = (int)(r % 60);
2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
int HandColor = CLOCK_FG;
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
// The face is completely redrawn - this can be done quickly
// Draw the face circle
face.fillSmoothCircle( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_R, CLOCK_BG );
// Set text datum to middle centre and the colour
// The background colour will be read during the character rendering
face.setTextColor(CLOCK_FG, CLOCK_BG);
// Text offset adjustment
constexpr uint32_t dialOffset = CLOCK_R - 10;
float xp = 0.0, yp = 0.0; // Use float pixel position for smooth AA motion
// Draw digits around clock perimeter
for (uint32_t h = 1; h <= 12; h++) {
getCoord( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, &xp, &yp, dialOffset, h * 360.0 / 12);
face.drawNumber(h, xp, 2 + yp);
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2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
// Add text (could be digital time...)
face.setTextColor(LABEL_FG, CLOCK_BG);
face.drawString(time, CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY * 0.75);
2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
if (mode == ModeMinutes) {
HandColor = HILITE_FG;
} else {
HandColor = CLOCK_FG;
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
// Draw minute hand
getCoord( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, &xp, &yp, M_HAND_LENGTH, m_angle);
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face.drawWideLine( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, xp, yp, 6.0f, HandColor);
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// face.drawWideLine( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, xp, yp, 2.0f, CLOCK_BG);
2024-03-13 00:04:03 +01:00
if (mode == ModeHours) {
HandColor = HILITE_FG;
} else {
HandColor = CLOCK_FG;
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
// Draw hour hand
getCoord( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, &xp, &yp, H_HAND_LENGTH, h_angle);
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face.drawWideLine( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, xp, yp, 6.0f, HandColor);
2024-03-07 07:22:50 +01:00
//face.drawWideLine( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, xp, yp, 2.0f, CLOCK_BG);
// Draw the central pivot circle
face.fillSmoothCircle( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, 4, CLOCK_FG);
// Draw second hand
//getCoord( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, &xp, &yp, S_HAND_LENGTH, s_angle);
//face.drawWedgeLine( CLOCK_XY, CLOCK_XY, xp, yp, 2.5, 1.0, SECCOND_FG);
face.pushSprite(0,0, TFT_TRANSPARENT);
// =========================================================================
// Get coordinates of end of a line, pivot at x,y, length r, angle a
// =========================================================================
// Coordinates are returned to caller via the xp and yp pointers
#define DEG2RAD 0.0174532925
void getCoord(int16_t x, int16_t y, float *xp, float *yp, int16_t r, float a)
float sx1 = cos( (a - 90) * DEG2RAD);
float sy1 = sin( (a - 90) * DEG2RAD);
*xp = sx1 * r + x;
*yp = sy1 * r + y;