  • Joined on 2023-05-17
pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#47 2023-12-01 09:10:47 +01:00
Repair my studyplan after rework of calls
pmkuipers opened issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#47 2023-11-20 22:41:31 +01:00
Repair my studyplan after rework of calls
pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#46 2023-11-20 22:40:36 +01:00
Validating context in invited studyplans, locks visitors with invitation out of the system if they do not have any access to the system context
pmkuipers pushed to master at pmkuipers/moodle-filter_bibleversesnwt 2023-11-20 10:54:14 +01:00
f1a994880d Fixed language settings. Changed wol link to ajax request for bible quotes
pmkuipers opened issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#46 2023-11-16 20:27:40 +01:00
Validating context in invited studyplans, locks visitors with invitation out of the system if they do not have any access to the system context
pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#44 2023-11-13 22:19:03 +01:00
Show linked studyplans and pages nicely in the student report
pmkuipers opened issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#45 2023-11-12 14:47:22 +01:00
Import and export includes description and logo images
pmkuipers opened issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#44 2023-11-11 21:17:38 +01:00
Show linked studyplans and pages nicely in the student report
pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#43 2023-11-11 21:16:38 +01:00
Paged display does not show arrows in subsequent tabs in report view
pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#2 2023-11-11 21:16:27 +01:00
Add advanced feature to update course timing forall courses in a studyplan in one go
pmkuipers opened issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#43 2023-11-11 08:49:23 +01:00
Paged display does not show arrows in subsequent tabs in report view
pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#42 2023-11-11 08:48:53 +01:00
Rework Advanced tools for studyplan pages
pmkuipers opened issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#42 2023-11-05 22:42:04 +01:00
Rework Advanced tools for studyplan pages
pmkuipers commented on issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#29 2023-11-05 22:33:33 +01:00
(Fully) implement studyplan pages, which can be separately configured

Nearly done. Removal and backup-restore need to be implemented in studyplan advanced tools

pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#29 2023-11-05 22:33:33 +01:00
(Fully) implement studyplan pages, which can be separately configured
pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#20 2023-11-05 22:31:49 +01:00
Na aanpassen van aantal periodes in studieplan reset dit naar vorige stand bij openen toolbox
pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#3 2023-11-02 07:32:44 +01:00
Change reserved word local_treestudyplan_invit->date
pmkuipers reopened issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#20 2023-11-02 07:32:34 +01:00
Na aanpassen van aantal periodes in studieplan reset dit naar vorige stand bij openen toolbox
pmkuipers closed issue Miqra-Engineering/moodle_local_treestudyplan#20 2023-11-02 07:32:31 +01:00
Na aanpassen van aantal periodes in studieplan reset dit naar vorige stand bij openen toolbox