<div> <h1> Studyplan user manual</h1> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " href="index.htm">Main</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " href="create-studyplan.htm">Creating a study plan</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " href="view-studyplan.htm">Viewing a studyplan - for students</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " href="teacherview-studyplan.htm">Viewing a studyplan - for teachers</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " href="advanced.htm">Advanced topics</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link active" href="configuration.htm">Configuration</a></li> </ul> <h2>Overview of configuration parameters</h2> <h3>Studyplan settings</h3> <p>Basic configuration options for the studyplan plug-in</p> <ul> <li><b>Default aggregation style</b><br> Select which aggregation style is selected by default upon creation of a new study plan. Setting this according to your preferences, will save you a few clicks when creating a lot of new study plans. </li> <li><b>Course display name</b><br> Select which course field is used as a short course name in the studyplan overview. You can choose between <i>shortname</i>, <i>ID</i> and any custom course field that you already have configured. It is recommended to create a custom course field specifically for the display name in the studyplan, and put the appropriate text there.<br> <i>Shortname</i> is often not useful in the studyplan (especially on larger sites), since it requires prefixes/suffixes to ensure unique names. </li> <li><b>Defaults for (Manual) Completed + Required goals</b><br> Here you can enter the default values that will be used for new studyplans using the <i>Manual: Completed + Required goals</i> aggregation method.<br> These values can be changed upon creation of a new study plan, but it may save you some time when creating new study plans<br> If you only use the <i>Moodle Course completion</i> method, you can safely ignore these parameters. </li> </ul> <h3>Manage study plans</h3> <p>This option is a direct link to the <b>manage studyplans</b> page. It may be useful for administrators.</p> <h3>Studyplan cohort sync</h3> <p>Here you can configure automatic cohort syncing. This syncronizes the cohorts and students linked with a study plan to enrolment within the courses in the study plan </p> <p>Cohort syncing is done by creating a <i>cohort sync</i> enrolment method in each course, while students are synced by adding a <i>manual enrolment</i></p> <ul> <li><b>Automatic Cohort sync</b><br> Enable automatic cohort sync here. If enabled, a background process will automatically perform a synchronization each time a cohort is added or removed, and each time a course is added. </li> <li><b>Automatic deletion</b><br> Toggle this to allow or prevent <i>cohort sync</i> enrolments that were created by the studyplan plug-in, when there are no longer any study plans requiring That cohort to be enrolled. Note that individual student enrolments are never automatically deleted. </li> <li><b>Remember existing cohort syncs</b><br> Since there can only be one <i>cohort-sync</i> enrolment for each combination of course and cohort, existing cohort-sync enrolments are marked with the studyplans involved when a studyplan wants them as well. By checking this item, such existing cohort syncs are marked as <i>manual</i>, so they will not be automatically removed when no study plans require them anymore </li> <li><b>Create groups</b><br> If enabled, a group is made in each course for all new <i>cohort-sync</i> enrolments created by the studyplan plugin. These groups contain all students in this specific cohort. </li> <li><b>Enrol linked users</b><br> You can choose to include linked users in the synchronization or not. Default is yes, since it would be unexpected behaviour if cohorts were automatically synced, but users were not. </li> <li><b>Role</b><br> Choose the role that will be given in a course to all cohorts and users automatically synced based on their association in a study plan. Usually you want this to be a student role. </li> </ul> <h3>Configure grade & scale interpretation</h3> <p>See the <a href="advanced.htm#gradescale">Advanced / Grade & Scale interpretation</a> section for more details on this configuration page</p> <h2>Theming guide</h2> <p>A number of colors in the studyplan plugin are based on the colors you define in your theme for <b class="text-primary">primary (brand color)</b>, <b class="text-secondary">secondary</b>, <b class="text-success">success</b>, <b class="text-info">info</b>, <b class="text-warning">warning</b> and <b class="text-danger">danger</b> </p> <p>You may be able to define them in your theme's configuration. If not, follow the instructions below for <b>tweaking other colors</b> and use the following code as a starting point. (The values are the default boost theme colors)</p> <pre style="max-width: 30em;" class="p-3 border border-primary rounded-lg ml-3"> :root { --primary: #023C78; --secondary: #6c757d; --success: #28a745; --info: #17a2b8; --warning: #ffc107; --danger: #dc3545; --light: #f8f9fa; --dark: #343a40; }</pre> <h3>Tweaking other colors</h3> <p>There are some other custom css variables which you can tweak to change the styling. An overview:</p> <table> <tr><th>Color</th><th>Usage</th><th>Default value</th></tr> <tr><td class="">--highlight</td><td>Highlighting of active period</td><td>Bootstrap css var(--info)</td></tr> <tr><td>--past</td><td>Tag color for past courses or studyplans/pages</td><td>var(--purple)</td></tr> <tr><td>--present</td><td>Tag color for active courses or studyplans/pages</td><td>var(--blue)</td></tr> <tr><td>--future</td><td>Tag color for future/upcoming courses or studyplans/pages</td><td>var(--gray)</td></tr> <tr><td>--coursecat-list</td><td>Icon color of course categories in the studyplan editor toolbox</td><td>var(--blue)</td></tr> <tr><td>--course-list</td><td>Icon color of courses in the studyplan editor toolbox</td><td>var(--green)</td></tr> <tr><td>--excellent</td><td>Indicator color for excellent results</td><td>var(--blue)</td></tr> <tr><td>--pending</td><td>Indicator color for results pending grading.</td><td>var(--gray)</td></tr> <tr><td>--incomplete</td><td>Indication color for incomplete results</td><td>var(--gray)</td></tr> </table> <p>Fore example, in the Boost theme the option is found in <b>Appearance</b> -> <b>(Themes)</b> -> <b>Boost</b> -> <b>Advanced settings</b> -> <b>Raw SCSS</b> <p>There, use code like the following to change these color variables. (The value showin in the code is the default value used in the plugin)</p> <pre style="max-width: 30em;" class="p-3 border border-primary rounded-lg ml-3"> :root { --highlight: var(--info); --past: var(--purple); --present: var(--blue); --future: var(--gray); --coursecat-list: var(--blue); --course-list: var(--green); --excellent: var(--blue); --pending: var(--gray); --incomplete: var(--gray); }</pre> </div>