Studyplan user manual

Overview of configuration parameters

Studyplan settings

Basic configuration options for the studyplan plug-in

Manage study plans

This option is a direct link to the manage studyplans page. It may be useful for administrators.

Studyplan cohort sync

Here you can configure automatic cohort syncing. This syncronizes the cohorts and students linked with a study plan to enrolment within the courses in the study plan

Cohort syncing is done by creating a cohort sync enrolment method in each course, while students are synced by adding a manual enrolment

Configure grade & scale interpretation

See the Advanced / Grade & Scale interpretation section for more details on this configuration page

Theming guide

A number of colors in the studyplan plugin are based on the colors you define in your theme for primary (brand color), secondary, success, info, warning and danger

You may be able to define them in your theme's configuration. If not, follow the instructions below for tweaking other colors and use the following code as a starting point. (The values are the default boost theme colors)

:root {
    --primary: #023C78;
    --secondary: #6c757d;
    --success: #28a745;
    --info: #17a2b8;
    --warning: #ffc107;
    --danger: #dc3545;
    --light: #f8f9fa;
    --dark: #343a40;

Tweaking other colors

There are some other custom css variables which you can tweak to change the styling. An overview:

ColorUsageDefault value
--highlightHighlighting of active periodBootstrap css var(--info)
--pastTag color for past courses or studyplans/pagesvar(--purple)
--presentTag color for active courses or studyplans/pagesvar(--blue)
--futureTag color for future/upcoming courses or studyplans/pagesvar(--gray)
--coursecat-listIcon color of course categories in the studyplan editor toolboxvar(--blue)
--course-listIcon color of courses in the studyplan editor toolboxvar(--green)
--excellentIndicator color for excellent resultsvar(--blue)
--pendingIndicator color for results pending grading.var(--gray)
--incompleteIndication color for incomplete resultsvar(--gray)

Fore example, in the Boost theme the option is found in Appearance -> (Themes) -> Boost -> Advanced settings -> Raw SCSS

There, use code like the following to change these color variables. (The value showin in the code is the default value used in the plugin)

:root {
    --highlight: var(--info);
    --past: var(--purple);
    --present: var(--blue);
    --future: var(--gray);
    --coursecat-list: var(--blue);
    --course-list: var(--green);
    --excellent: var(--blue);
    --pending: var(--gray);
    --incomplete: var(--gray);